Ho Chi Minh City fines general information website cafeland.vn for "newspaper-ization" activities
One of the major problems in handling cases related to electronic information is verifying subject information. Especially for social networks operating across borders, verifying information such as full name, address, and phone number of violators is very difficult. According to the Inspector of the Department of Information and Communications of Ho Chi Minh City, this process depends a lot on the experience and ability of the handler. In many cases, although the violation has been clearly identified, the lack of information about the violator makes handling impossible. Therefore, many cases cannot be resolved completely, creating loopholes in network information management.
Currently, the reception and handling of information violations mainly takes place passively. This means that the authorities only intervene when the incident or rumor has occurred and spread widely on the Internet. This not only causes difficulties in handling, but also reduces the effectiveness of information management. According to the opinion of the Inspector of the Department of Information and Communications, there is no proactive strategy to provide positive, official information on social networking platforms to orient and guide public opinion. The lack of timely detection and punishment is also an issue that needs to be considered. Without prompt and drastic intervention, violators will increasingly disregard the law and continue to violate for personal gain.
Preventing and removing infringing information on foreign social media platforms is a big problem. Although authorities can request the removal of infringing information, this still depends heavily on the cooperation of businesses that own social media platforms. The Inspector of the Department of Information and Communications of Ho Chi Minh City said that foreign businesses do not always respond quickly and effectively to requests from Vietnamese management agencies, leading to the continued existence of false information, causing negative impacts.
Regarding sanctions, the current penalties for violations of information on the Internet are not strong enough to act as a deterrent. The application of current administrative sanctions is not clearly differentiated, and there are no strong penalties for acts of deliberately fabricating and spreading false information for illegal profit. Acts such as creating scandals, attracting views, and likes to sell products or for personal purposes are not yet strictly handled, making it difficult to maintain discipline in cyberspace.
An important factor leading to the spread of false information is the awareness and responsibility of social network participants. According to the Inspector of the Department of Information and Communications, many social network users lack awareness of law compliance, lack social responsibility and do not have basic knowledge of how to use social networks. This not only causes them to unintentionally create or assist in the spread of false information, but also causes many unpredictable consequences for the community and society.
Handling of electronic information cases on the Internet is facing many difficulties and challenges. There needs to be a comprehensive strategy, combined with improvements in sanctions, increased public education on legal awareness and social responsibility when participating in social networks. Furthermore, it is necessary to improve the ability of coordination between authorities in verifying, handling and preventing information violations, while promoting international cooperation in cyberspace management./.
Source: https://mic.gov.vn/cac-kho-khan-ton-tai-trong-xu-ly-cac-vu-viec-thong-tin-dien-tu-tren-mang-tai-thanh-pho-ho-chi-minh-197241224170835768.htm
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