Implementing the direction of the Provincial People's Committee, the Department of Health has issued an urgent dispatch requesting units, specialized departments under the Department of Health, public and private medical examination and treatment facilities to urgently take measures to prevent and control the COVID-19 epidemic.
COVID-19 patients treated at Vung Tau Hospital during the 2021 epidemic season (illustrative photo) |
Triage and route people at risk of COVID-19 infection right from the time of hospitalization
Accordingly, medical examination and treatment units under the Department of Health; COVID-19 treatment facilities; Vietsovpetro Medical Center; private medical facilities implement the following contents:
Review and organize well the admission, emergency, care and effective treatment of cases, especially for high-risk groups such as pregnant women, people with underlying diseases, the elderly, minimize deaths and strictly implement infection control, prevent cross-infection in treatment facilities; prepare plans for admission and treatment of patients and proactively improve treatment capacity, especially emergency and intensive care capacity to meet treatment requirements.
Review and strictly implement the work of effective triage and classification of patient risks right from the time of hospitalization; Ensure adequate medicines, equipment, chemicals, and biological products for disease prevention and control; have plans to respond to epidemic situations; maintain and organize a good anti-epidemic mobile team, ready to promptly support lower-level units when epidemics occur and become complicated.
Strengthen professional support for lower-level hospitals. Strengthen the capacity for emergency transportation and referral of patients from the community, lower-level hospitals to higher-level hospitals and between hospitals in the area.
Strengthen the application of information technology, ensure necessary equipment and facilities for remote consultation, treatment consultation, and support for patient monitoring and management.
Prepare and reserve sufficient medical oxygen, medicine, blood, infusion fluid, supplies, chemicals, and equipment to be ready to receive and treat patients; have backup plans and prepare treatment facilities when an epidemic occurs on a large scale.
Regularly update information and have timely response scenarios for epidemics.
Medical staff inject the third dose of COVID-19 vaccine for people in My Xuan ward, Phu My town |
The Department of Health assigned the Provincial Center for Disease Control to regularly and promptly update information on dangerous, newly emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases that have recently been recorded and are at risk of invading in order to proactively monitor and closely monitor the epidemic situation in the province; and prepare measures to respond to possible epidemic situations.
Every week, the organization assesses and announces the epidemic level according to Resolution 128/NQ-CP dated October 11, 2021 of the Government, Decision No. 218/QD-BYT dated January 27, 2022 of the Ministry of Health on temporary guidance on medical expertise to implement the temporary regulation "Safely and flexibly adapting to and effectively controlling the COVID-19 epidemic" to promptly apply appropriate epidemic prevention and control measures according to the epidemic level.
Actively coordinate with relevant units and localities to daily assess and analyze the epidemic situation and risk factors; proactively develop scenarios and response plans and implement them to respond to all possible epidemic situations. Timely update and supplement professional guidance and support localities in epidemic prevention and control.
Continue to strengthen the prevention and control of other endemic diseases, emerging and re-emerging diseases... such as dengue fever, hand, foot and mouth disease, adenovirus, influenza, avian influenza, monkeypox, maize...; closely monitor the epidemic situation, direct and guide localities to deploy timely and effective epidemic prevention and control measures.
Prepare human resources, facilities, equipment, vehicles, and chemicals to ensure good medical quarantine activities and update inter-sectoral contingency plans, respond promptly when detecting suspected cases of infectious diseases, prepare plans to handle possible epidemic situations, and avoid being passive or confused.
Strengthen inspection and supervision of the implementation of disease prevention and control work, especially at border gates, seaports, and bus stations, to detect suspected and infected cases for timely handling, minimizing severe cases and deaths, especially those entering from areas where the epidemic is breaking out, from places where new and dangerous variants of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and other epidemics have appeared.
Strengthen surveillance in the community and at medical examination and treatment facilities to promptly detect outbreaks and clusters of cases with unusual developments and characteristics (number of cases, severe developments or hospitalizations, deaths increase abnormally over time, geographical area, specific subjects, etc.); proactively coordinate with the Pasteur Institute of Ho Chi Minh City to collect samples for surveillance, research to detect new variants/strains and assess disease risks.
Continue to promote COVID-19 vaccination to achieve the set target, deploy COVID-19 vaccination according to the instructions of the Ministry of Health; Coordinate with departments, branches, organizations, and local authorities to drastically implement the review and mobilization of subjects to participate in COVID-19 vaccination, especially for high-risk groups.
Review, update messages and strengthen disease prevention communication to raise awareness and change people's behavior in protecting their own health, their families' and the community's. Regularly update information on the epidemic situation and recommend people to comply with disease prevention requirements such as wearing masks, disinfecting in medical facilities, on public transport and at crowded places and events, especially during the upcoming holidays. Focus on information on the benefits and effects of vaccines; closely follow the psychological trends of people and society, enhance community confidence and mobilize people to participate in full and timely vaccination.
Focus on epidemic prevention and control in densely populated areas, large urban areas, industrial parks; on the occasion of Hung Kings' death anniversary, April 30, May 1, 2023; monitor and manage cases entering from abroad to detect early cases of virus infection, preventing spread to the community.
Assign staff to be on duty 24/7 during the Hung Kings' death anniversary, April 30, and May 1, 2023 holidays to monitor and report immediately when an epidemic occurs and becomes complicated in the area.
Prepare and fully stockpile medicines, supplies, chemicals, and medical equipment to ensure meeting the needs of epidemic prevention when an epidemic occurs or the epidemic develops complicatedly in the area.
Continue to report infectious diseases as prescribed.
For details, see link: Official dispatch 1092 of the Ministry of Health urgently strengthening the work of preventing and fighting the COVID-19 epidemic
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