The quality of online public services has not met people's expectations.
Providing online public services is an important content in the process of administrative reform, implementing e-Government towards digital Government.
As the agency assigned to coordinate and lead the national digital transformation process, the Ministry of Information and Communications has regularly urged and guided ministries, branches and localities to provide public services online.
Thereby, creating conditions for people and businesses to use services provided by state agencies, while reducing paperwork and work pressure on state agencies and organizations.
However, according to the assessment of the Ministry of Information and Communications, in providing online public services, there are still things that have not been done well, which are: The rate of full-process online public services put into use so that people can perform 100% of the steps at home is still low; the quality of online public services such as simplicity, convenience, speed, safety, and network security is still low, not meeting the expectations of people and businesses when comparing services in the private sector.
Along with that, the rate of online public service records is still low, not reducing the workload for professional staff and civil servants at the one-stop department. In many cases, it also increases the workload, when having to process paper and electronic copies in parallel, leading to difficulties and frustration for both civil servants and people and businesses.
A survey by the Ministry of Information and Communications has pointed out 6 reasons why people are not satisfied with online public services. (
The survey results conducted by the Ministry of Information and Communications in March 2023 at 12 ministries, branches and localities also pointed out 06 groups of reasons why people were not satisfied or encountered errors when performing online public services, with the corresponding rates being: 36% due to errors in the Public Service Portal; 25% due to complicated administrative procedures, doing it directly is easier and faster than online; 10% due to errors when paying online on the Public Service Portal; 05% due to errors in people's network connection; 03% due to errors in people's terminal devices and 14% due to other reasons.
In the first half of 2023, for the first time, the Ministry of Information and Communications conducted an assessment of the quality of online public service provision from the perspective of user experience with the public service portals of 20 ministries, branches and 63 provinces and cities. The result was that only 11 ministries, branches and localities had public service portals that achieved a good level.
Notably, on June 5, Minister of Information and Communications Nguyen Manh Hung, Vice Chairman of the National Committee on Digital Transformation, chaired a thematic meeting with ministries, branches and localities on online public services.
At this meeting, the head of the information and communication industry pointed out: Now is the time to fundamentally change the way of doing e-Government, the way of providing online public services, fundamentally change awareness and approach.
20 things to do immediately to improve the quality and efficiency of online public services
Based on the direction of the National Committee on Digital Transformation and practical lessons from ministries and provinces, the Ministry of Information and Communications has just continued to issue a document requesting ministries, branches and localities to focus on immediately implementing 20 contents and tasks to improve the quality of provision and efficiency of use of online public services in the coming time.
According to the proposal of the Ministry of Information and Communications, many tasks need to be completed by ministries, branches and localities in August 2023, specifically: Review, update, supplement or issue an action plan for 2023 to improve the quality of online public service provision, clearly assigning tasks, focal points, resources and specific completion deadlines; Complete the implementation of the Information System for handling administrative procedures at the ministerial and provincial levels on the basis of merging the Public Service Portal and the Electronic One-Stop System; at the same time, request enterprises providing technology solutions to upgrade and update to the latest version.
Issue documents assigning targets for the rate of online records to the heads of each agency and unit under the ministry and province in 2023; Pilot a number of services that do not accept paper copies, and a number of days that do not accept paper copies; Deploy the provision of online public services on mobile devices to ensure convenience for people to access and use; Direct the Community Digital Technology Team to actively "go to every alley, knock on every door, and guide each person" to use online public services...
September 2023 is the deadline for ministries and provinces to complete the review of administrative procedures and online public services, prioritizing 25 essential public services with many users. This is to simplify and restructure the implementation process, eliminate unnecessary intermediate steps, and remove existing profile components in the database to create more favorable conditions for people to access and implement.
The content ensures the readiness of the remote digital signature function on the public service portal and promotes people to use it to perform online public services, as requested by the Ministry of Information and Communications, the deadline for completion is December 2023.
The end of 2023 is also the deadline for ministries and provinces to complete the deployment of the Electronic Data Warehouse of individuals and organizations on the Administrative Procedures Information System at the ministry and provincial levels to store data on public service settlement, serving the sharing and reuse of data in the implementation of public services.
Ministries, branches and localities are also asked to consider and have policies to reduce fees and charges this year to encourage people to use online public services.
In addition, the Ministry of Information and Communications requests ministries, branches and localities to study the "Results of the first survey, monitoring and measurement of the quality of online public service provision" announced by the Ministry to overcome the shortcomings and limitations of the implementation of the Information System for handling administrative procedures at the ministerial and provincial levels.
According to
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