(Dan Tri) - Singer Marzuz frankly shared about being the daughter of musician Tran Thanh Phuong and the niece of singer Ha Tran.
Singer Marzuz's real name is Tran My Anh, born in 2000. Despite having a solid "launching pad" from her family, Marzuz admitted that when she was young, she felt a lot of pressure from the "huge shadow" of her aunt - singer Ha Tran.
However, at the present time, the female singer affirmed that she is no longer under pressure but feels proud and lucky to have received many useful advices about both music and life from her family. She said: "I am lucky to be Ha Tran's niece".
Singer Marzuz burst into tears on the day of her debut album release (Photo: Organizer).
The Gen Z singer also confided that her path is different from diva Ha Tran. She just wants to be herself. Being compared to others, especially talented people, is a blessing for her and a motivation for her to improve and develop herself more.
Recently, Marzuz officially released her debut album titled "A" , after the success of previously released songs such as " If", "3 minutes", "Because"... Previously, despite being noticed after the success of "And the world has lost a lonely person" , Marzuz said she is not in a hurry on the musical path but takes time to improve, continue making music and experience many things in life, especially love.
2 years ago, marzuz fell into crisis and confusion when a love affair ended. Also during this time, she "started over" with music, carrying her torn thoughts, contemplating and mending each broken piece of her soul.
Because of that, the music in the album has many colors and many emotional levels according to each contemplation of the female singer in the process of redrawing herself.
Singer Marzuz is no longer under pressure because she has diva Ha Tran (Photo: Organizer).
The singer shared: "The biggest message I want to convey through this album is that every emotion is precious. At first, I was so afraid of pain, loneliness and loneliness that I just looked up at the ceiling and didn't know what to do next.
Pain helped me grow, love for music healed me. Thanks to that, I met many friends who were willing to sit down and listen to me confide, and make music with me."
Soon, marzuz will release 9 MVs for 9 songs in the album.
Source: https://dantri.com.vn/giai-tri/ca-si-gen-z-marzuz-khong-ap-luc-khi-la-chau-cua-diva-ha-tran-20241129183604440.htm
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