Every September, the first rain of the season floods the fields, and schools of tilapia follow the water to find a place to lay their eggs. Each one is plump.
Understanding the characteristics of fish, villagers often prepare fishing gear to catch fish. The plump, round fish are removed. Mothers and sisters rush to find coconut water to prepare braised perch.
The fish is cleaned of scales and intestines, drained and marinated with spices such as green pepper, chili, soy sauce, fish sauce... About 15 minutes later, put the tilapia in a clay pot or cast iron pot, pour in coconut water to cover the fish, bring to a boil, then simmer for about an hour, wait for the water to dry completely and remove from heat.
At this time, the tilapia is soaked in coconut water, giving off a fragrant aroma, the fish meat and bones are soft and fatty. On a cold rainy day, tilapia becomes a dish that goes well with rice for the whole family.
Perch is a freshwater fish, living mainly in rivers, ponds, and lagoons. Perch meat contains a lot of protein, fat and other trace elements such as calcium, iron, phosphorus, vitamin B1, B2... These are all important nutrients necessary for the body's activities. In oriental medicine, perch is recommended for people with weakness and indigestion.
Source: https://baoquangnam.vn/ca-ro-dong-kho-nuoc-dua-3141925.html
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