Diffuse goiter is a form of goiter. Is diffuse goiter dangerous? This is a question that many people wonder about. Because we only know the common names such as goiter, thyroid goiter. So what is diffuse goiter? Is this disease dangerous?
What is diffuse goiter?
Diffuse goiter is also known as goiter or thyroid nodule. This is a condition in which the thyroid gland is enlarged evenly on both lobes. Most diffuse goiters are benign and do not endanger the patient's life.
This disease has two types: nontoxic diffuse goiter and toxic diffuse goiter.
- Non-toxic diffuse goiter: Benign, also known as simple goiter
- Toxic diffuse goiter: Also known as Basedow's disease or hyperthyroidism with goiter in the neck.
Diffuse goiter is a condition in which the thyroid gland is enlarged evenly on both lobes.
Signs and symptoms of diffuse goiter
When goiter spreads, the patient will have the following symptoms:
Nontoxic diffuse goiter
Diffuse nontoxic goiter is usually asymptomatic. The patient or others may notice a swelling in the neck that feels smooth to the touch.
Toxic diffuse goiter
For toxic diffuse goiter, symptoms include:
People experience symptoms of hyperthyroidism due to the thyroid gland producing too much thyroid hormone, including:
- Weight loss;
- Heat intolerance (excessive thirst, sweating);
- Run;
- Nervous;
- Worry;
- Tired;
- Palpitations;
- Shortness of breath;
- Frequent bowel movements or urination;
- Nausea, vomiting.
Large goiter compresses
Similar to non-toxic diffuse goiter. If the goiter is too large, it can cause compression in the neck area. The patient feels swelling or a lump in the neck, difficulty swallowing, and difficulty breathing.
Graves' disease
If a person has Graves' disease, there may be other symptoms such as:
- Eye diseases: Protruding eyes, double vision, edema around the eye socket, excessive tearing.
- Skin disease: Manifested by slightly thick skin pigmentation, especially in the pre-tibial region.
- Diseases of the reproductive system: The most common abnormalities of the reproductive system are irregular menstruation.
Toxic goiter can cause bulging eyes.
How to treat diffuse goiter?
People with goiter need to see an endocrinologist for diagnosis and treatment. For non-toxic diffuse goiter (simple goiter), symptoms are few and do not cause much harm to health, so treatment is usually not needed. Only when the goiter is too large, compressing organs, leading to difficulty swallowing, difficulty breathing or affecting aesthetics, then intervention is needed.
For toxic diffuse goiter, treatment will be to suppress the thyroid gland's production of hormones with antithyroid drugs, radioactive iodine, or surgery. In addition, beta blockers are used to reduce symptoms of hyperthyroidism such as rapid heart rate and sweating.
Ich Giap Vuong - Solution to support the progression of goiter
In addition to Western medicine methods of controlling goiter, to support disease improvement, many people have chosen herbal products, typically the dietary supplement Ich Giap Vuong .
During a decade on the market, Ich Giap Vuong has become a product trusted by many patients. Using the product will help:
- Helps reduce the progression of benign tumors and goiters (thyroid goiter), reducing the risk of goiter due to iodine deficiency.
- Helps relieve symptoms of thyroid tumors such as: anxiety, rapid heartbeat, dry skin, hair loss, fear of heat/cold, weight gain/loss,...
The main ingredient of the product is seaweed. According to traditional medicine, 2000 years ago, traditional Chinese medicine used seaweed in many remedies to treat thyroid disease. Nowadays, from the perspective of modern medicine, scientists have found that seaweed contains many valuable biological active ingredients such as monoterpenoids, phlorotannins and fucoidan, which help fight oxidation, support immune system regulation, and help reduce the progression of tumors and benign goiters.
In addition to the main ingredient of seaweed, Ich Giap Vuong also contains other herbs such as: Sophora flavescens extract, Semi-border liana extract, neem leaf extract, and three-pronged extract which have antioxidant, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory effects, helping to reduce the growth of benign thyroid tumors and goiters.
Ich Giap Vuong - For thyroid health
In particular, according to a survey by Vietnam Economy in 2024, 97% of patients were satisfied with the effectiveness of Ich Giap Vuong. Recently, Ich Giap Vuong was also honored to receive the National Strong Brand Award. This is solid proof, once again affirming the quality of the product.
Ich Giap Vuong is an effective and safe product that supports people with thyroid tumors.
To effectively control thyroid goiter, patients need to have regular check-ups and follow the doctor's instructions. In addition, to prevent thyroid tumors from developing, patients should apply many combined measures!
Van Trang
*Products are sold at pharmacies nationwide
*This food is not a medicine and cannot replace medicine.
Source: https://giadinh.suckhoedoisong.vn/buou-giap-lan-toa-la-gi-va-benh-co-trieu-chung-the-nao-172250306122110398.htm
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