Tang Thanh Ha is one of the showbiz beauties with the most scientific breakfast habits. Her breakfast never forgets to include fruit, all of which have the effect of increasing collagen production and are effective "natural sunscreens". Perhaps that is the reason why, at the age of U40 and the mother of 3 children, Ha Tang still makes many people exclaim with her rosy, healthy skin.
Tang Thanh Ha often shares the dishes she makes. With her menu, she focuses on making the dishes both delicious and "healthy".
Ha Tang is a lover of avocados and often transforms them into many different breakfast dishes. She can eat avocados with bread, make avocado smoothies, or simply eat them with soft-boiled eggs. The dishes are all delicious, beautiful and especially nutritious.
In her social media posts, Tang Thanh Ha has repeatedly expressed her love for blueberries. She often eats this fruit with oatmeal, bread, or combined with yogurt, creating delicious and nutritious dishes.
For details on the beauty meals in Tang Thanh Ha's menu, you can refer to the dishes Tang Thanh Ha has made below:
"Mom's breakfast" she posted includes: kale, dragon fruit, blueberries, bananas, collagen powder, crispy coconut, peanut butter, chia seeds, granola.
For Tang Thanh Ha, to have beautiful skin, she does not need to invest too much in expensive cosmetics. Instead, the "jade girl" likes to beautify herself with natural foods such as apples, avocados, carrots, strawberries... so that her skin is less exposed to chemicals.
She pureed some green vegetables and fruits in a blender, then sprinkled dried coconut, blueberries and nuts on top.
A similar meal of Tang Thanh Ha: Oatmeal with banana, chia seeds, peanut butter and cinnamon. Fans asked: "How do you make oatmeal?" She said: "I cook it with water, like porridge."

The "jade girl" revealed: "Ha cooks rolled oats with water for 4 minutes, then adds fresh milk or nut milk, stirs for 30 seconds and it's ready to eat."
She noted: "Be careful when cooking, stir constantly or it will burn. Toppings are up to each person. Ha often uses fruit, chia seeds, nut butter (peanut butter, almond butter...), a little honey and cinnamon.

The actress showed off her "Warm Oatmeal for Breakfast". Not only did the mother of three eat this dish, but there were four bowls for the family members.
For Tang Thanh Ha, her concept of beauty is "natural beauty but not naturally beautiful" so she focuses on taking care of her beauty by supplementing her diet and beautifying with natural products.
Meals are carefully calculated, mainly from natural ingredients such as avocado and cucumber to achieve optimal health and nourish Tang Thanh Ha's beautiful skin and slim figure.
It can be seen that avocado is always an indispensable food in Tang Thanh Ha's daily meals. Because avocado contains many vitamins, collagen, fat... which are very good for health.
To maintain her slim beauty like when she was a girl, Tang Thanh Ha limits eating meat, protein and fatty foods.
One of the best skin care masks for Tang Thanh Ha is carrots - an extremely cheap beauty ingredient.
Every day, Tang Thanh Ha regularly drinks 3 cups of carrot juice. For the carrot pulp after juicing, the "mother of two" uses it to mix with 2 spoons of honey to make a detoxifying mask, tightening pores to give her smooth, rosy skin.
In particular, Ha Tang also regularly drinks fruit juices such as smoothies, juices... to supplement collagen, keep in shape, and effectively increase vitamins. Below are Ha Tang's favorite fruit juices that you can easily learn from.
An effective anti-aging smoothie recipe from Ha Tang is to blend kale, blueberries, collagen powder, oats, almond milk and a little peanut butter/almond butter. In particular, kale and blueberries are rich in vitamins A, C, E which help prevent aging effectively.
Another recipe she loves is kale, avocado, banana, collagen powder, dates, and fresh milk/almond milk. Ha Tang revealed that she often keeps fruits and vegetables in the freezer in small portions; in the morning, she just puts them all in the blender and has a delicious, nutritious vegetable smoothie for her family.
If you are looking for juice suggestions to help purify the body and lose weight effectively, you can refer to the recipe of celery, apple, ginger juice from Ha Tang. While celery and ginger juice help detox the body, apples are rich in vitamins, antioxidants, and help increase collagen for the body.
Raspberry and banana smoothie is not only rich in vitamins but also high in fiber, creating a feeling of fullness for a long time, effectively keeping in shape.
Faster, just blend carrots with a little fresh milk and you have a delicious smoothie, rich in vitamins, good for both health and skin.
Ha Tang is also fascinated by the artichoke juice recipe, just mix artichoke jam with a little water and she has a delicious glass of water. Artichokes are rich in antioxidants, help beautify the skin, promote the elimination of toxins in the body.
Ha Tang took advantage of the season to buy artichokes and pickle them herself.
Source: https://giadinh.suckhoedoisong.vn/bua-sang-cua-nang-dau-hao-mon-tang-thanh-ha-luon-co-2-mon-chong-nang-tu-nhien-bo-sung-collagen-cuc-de-tim-o-cho-viet-172241006095319296.htm
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