The amended Law on Medical Examination and Treatment was passed on January 9, 2023 at the 2nd Extraordinary Session of the 15th National Assembly and took effect from January 1, 2024. According to the Law on Medical Examination and Treatment and Decree No. 96/2023/ND-CP detailing a number of articles of the Law on Medical Examination and Treatment, the technical expertise level of medical examination and treatment facilities has changed to institutionalize Resolution 20 of the Party Central Committee on strengthening the protection, care and improvement of people's health in the new situation; there will be three levels of technical expertise, including: initial level, basic level and advanced level.
Notably, the technical expertise ranking is based on four groups of capacities of medical examination and treatment facilities, including: capacity to provide medical examination and treatment services and scope of professional activities; capacity to participate in medical practice training; capacity to participate in technical support for other medical examination and treatment facilities; capacity for scientific research in medicine.
According to Professor, Dr. Tran Van Thuan, Deputy Minister of Health, one of the biggest benefits of competency-based ranking is to improve the quality of medical services. Medical facilities must strive to improve medical examination and treatment services and the scope of professional activities to meet the criteria of each level. This means that patients will benefit from higher quality medical services. A hospital that wants to achieve the specialized level must demonstrate its ability to provide complex and advanced medical services. This not only requires good infrastructure but also requires a team of highly qualified medical staff who are always updated with the latest knowledge and skills in the medical field. At that time, patients will have access to advanced treatment methods and better care services.
On the other hand, competency-based professional ranking also encourages health facilities to invest in training and human resource development. To achieve higher levels, health facilities need to actively participate in medical practice training. This not only improves the professional level of health workers but also helps them access new and more effective treatment methods. Medical practice training is an important part of developing skills and knowledge for health workers. Hospitals and health facilities with good practice training programs will attract more medical students and young doctors, thereby improving the quality of human resources in the health sector. Continuous training courses and knowledge updates will help health workers maintain and improve their professional capacity, contributing to improving the quality of health services.
Another important benefit of technical expertise ranking is increased cooperation and technical assistance between health facilities. Health facilities that are able to provide technical assistance to other facilities will be more highly regarded. This promotes the sharing of medical knowledge and technology, which helps improve the performance of the entire health system. Technical assistance can include many aspects, from sharing clinical experience, to training and mentoring health workers. This cooperation not only helps smaller health facilities improve the quality of their services, but also creates a strong health network that is better able to respond to medical emergencies.
Scientific research capacity in medicine is considered an important criterion in the ranking of medical facilities. This encourages medical examination and treatment facilities to invest in research and development, thereby creating new treatment methods and improving medical technology. Research results not only improve treatment effectiveness but also contribute to the development of national medicine. Facilities with strong scientific research capacity will attract many resources, from research funding to international cooperation. Discoveries and innovations in the field of medicine not only help improve public health but also enhance the reputation and position of facilities in the international arena.
Ranking technical expertise based on competence will create a healthy competitive environment among medical examination and treatment facilities. Each facility has the opportunity to be evaluated and ranked fairly based on its actual capacity. This creates a strong motivation for facilities to invest in infrastructure development, improve professional qualifications and improve services. This development not only benefits the unit but also the community, when everyone has access to high-quality medical services... Thus, ranking technical expertise of medical examination and treatment facilities based on professional competence will bring many benefits and development motivation for the Vietnamese health sector ■
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