IoT "oil mine" creates data "oil", making the world smarter, society more creative, suitable for Vietnamese personality.
Vietnamnet introduces the speech of Minister of Information and Communications Nguyen Manh Hung when talking about Internet of Things (IoT) technology and opportunities for Vietnam's ICT industry.
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a fundamental technology of the 4th Industrial Revolution. For the first time in human history, inanimate objects speak and communicate with each other and with humans. We are familiar with a world of 7 billion people, but a world with trillions of things participating is unimaginable. But this is a great opportunity for those who dare to accept a different new world, dare to master it and take the lead. A different approach, a different perspective, very Vietnamese, will help Vietnam take the lead in IoT.

Regarding the connection platform for IoT. With the strategy of each Vietnamese household having a fiber optic line, each person having a smartphone and a widespread 5G mobile infrastructure, prioritizing IoT first, Vietnam will be one of the few countries that ensures good IoT connection infrastructure. Vietnam's biggest advantage is that we have good telecommunications infrastructure, with a number of strong telecommunications enterprises capable of investing in infrastructure covering the whole country. The Ministry of Information and Communications has also planned enough numbers and IP addresses for billions of IoT devices.
IoT will generate the most data. If we consider data as oil, IoT is the oil fields with huge reserves. Exploiting this data will create new values. The faster IoT is, the more oil fields there are. If we consider each sensor as an oil field, the price of a sensor is too small compared to the value it brings. The more effectively we exploit data, the cheaper the investment in IoT will be. Therefore, Cloud and AI (data storage and processing) are technologies that go with IoT like twins.
IoT is the way to turn the physical world into a virtual world and make our society more creative. The whole world is virtualized. The whole creative process, including design, prototyping, testing will be done in the virtual world. Much faster and much cheaper than we do it in the real world. The cost of creativity is so small that each individual can create at their own expense. This will truly be a revolution in creativity. IoT is the way to help each Vietnamese person be creative, which is very suitable for the diverse and flexible personality of Vietnamese people.
IoT makes our world smarter. IoT will make the physical world speak, inanimate objects will speak. The roads in the inner city will speak up and say I have space and you can park. IoT-izing the physical world is the process of making our world and our lives smarter. IoT society is a smart society, or as the Japanese say, it is society 5.0. Society 1.0 is a hunting society. Society 2.0 is a farming, livestock, and agricultural society. Society 3.0 is an industrial society. Society 4.0 is an information society. And society 5.0 is a smart society. A smarter society is a more efficient society. Vietnam is very scarce in resources, so IoT is the solution to using everything more efficiently.

IoT must go hand in hand with information security and safety. What if the virtual world is infiltrated and controlled by bad guys? The more the world becomes virtualized, the more we live in the virtual world, the more important information security and safety are. Vietnam must develop an industry of network security and safety. There are many Vietnamese people around the world who are good at network security. This is also our opportunity to ensure network security for IoT devices. Early application and widespread application of IoT will contribute to helping Vietnam become a network security powerhouse.
IoT is an industry. First of all, it is the sensor manufacturing industry. Mobile phones are already a huge industry because each person owns one, the number is 6-7 billion. But IoT is much bigger and much more. It will be hundreds, thousands of billions of devices. Vietnam has missed the period of manufacturing consumer electronics, terminal devices such as mobile phones, so it must seize the opportunity to produce IoT. Go straight into manufacturing IoT devices. It must start from mastering the design, integrating into complete commercial products, mastering core technology. That is an opportunity for Vietnam's ICT industry.
If we go later, we can go ahead and we have to go ahead. Our society is not yet automated much, not yet virtualized much. Developed countries have a much higher level of virtualization, but they use old technology, not IoT, it is not easy to abandon the infrastructure that has been invested heavily. IoT is cheaper, easier to deploy, and so we can and should go straight to IoT to virtualize the physical world, in this way, we will go ahead, just like Asian countries because they came later in banking, in traditional banking, so they are most successful in using Mobile Banking. IoT should be considered an opportunity for Vietnam to change its ICT ranking in the world.
IoT includes foundational technology, platform and application. Foundational technology requires about 5% of businesses to do, not much, and can be large companies, with technological and financial potential, needing a lot of investment, needing to invest in advance, such as Viettel, Vingroup, VNPT, FPT, CMC. Platform-creating businesses can be more, about 15%, can be software companies, creating platforms and tools to write applications. The remaining 80%, are the majority of application development companies, can be small and medium enterprises, can be anyone. Thus, to develop IoT, large businesses, regardless of private or state-owned, with responsibility to the country, to the future of the country, must invest in advance, must create jobs, working conditions, so that the best IoT people in the world can come here to work, will be the nucleus to create Vietnamese IoT human resources. The best way to create human resources is to create challenging jobs. The work will create the man. Great work will have great people, will create great people.
The Industrial Revolution 4.0 is more of a policy revolution than a technological revolution. First, we must accept new business models, new technologies that change the industry, called X-Tech, such as Fintech, EdTech, which are often destructive innovations of the old. If we accept the new, technology will come, people will come, and new industries will appear, and the cradle of Vietnam will create export products. But we must accept early, earlier than others. Going after others, going with others, there will be no chance to change Vietnam's ranking. When accepting the new, we may lose some things. But we don't have too much to lose, that is our opportunity.

The traditional policy approach is often: If you can manage it, open it, if you can't manage it, close it. The new approach that many countries apply is called the Sandbox approach: If you don't know how to manage it, don't manage it, let it develop on its own, but in a certain space, in a certain time, so that problems are clearly revealed, which are often not as many as managers initially predicted. Then policies and management regulations are formed. This is one of the policy approaches suitable for the 4th Industrial Revolution, suitable for accepting new business models, for accepting innovations, innovations that destroy the old.
And finally, when an industrial revolution occurs, the future does not lie on the extended path of the past. Countries like Vietnam have the opportunity to break through. But it must be a new way of thinking, not traditional, not sequential. Both state management and businesses need a breakthrough in thinking, in policy, in approach.
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