At a conference on happiness in education, Minister of Education and Training Nguyen Kim Son mentioned the 'spirit of freedom' that learners feel they have achieved as one of the factors that help create a state of happiness for learners.
At the TH School System (Hanoi) today, November 23, an international conference on the topic "Happiness in Education" took place. Minister of Education and Training Nguyen Kim Son attended and shared about how to make learners happy in their studies.
According to Minister Nguyen Kim Son, a community of happy people can only be created by a happy education. This is also the major orientation that the Ministry of Education and Training is directing to implement throughout the sector with different levels and methods at different levels and subjects. In which, the internal factor, the proactive factor of the learner, is identified as the core and decisive factor of happiness in education.
Minister of Education and Training Nguyen Kim Son visited the exhibition of paintings by students of TH School in the hallway of the international conference "Happiness in Education"
The factors that help create happy states for learners in educational activities, according to Minister Nguyen Kim Son, are first of all ambition, aspiration, and determination. In order for learners to achieve joy and happiness in learning, it is necessary to help learners set the right learning goals, big, deep, wide... to have the internal motivation to strive and achieve happiness.
The greater the ambition, the easier it is to overcome failures, the smaller the hardships, the less obstacles can stop you, and the road to happiness becomes wider.
Another factor, according to Minister Son, is the spirit of freedom and respect for freedom. "Personal interpretation and deep thinking, encouraging reading culture, debate, respecting differences in the classroom, in the teaching process is the process of encouraging learners to express their own opinions and assessments... That is the teaching process that directs learners to the joy of the learning process itself", Minister Nguyen Kim Son argued.
There is no one-size-fits-all school of happiness.
Self-cultivation is also an important factor, because self-cultivation is the root of comprehensive learning and development and the root of achieving happiness. Learners who know how to cultivate and train themselves according to standards will have a correct perception of happiness, the value of happiness, and true happiness.
"In fact, there is no such thing as a general happy school. A happy school is only truly happy when the happiness in that school is consistent with positive values and standard values," Minister Nguyen Kim Son analyzed.
Minister of Education and Training Nguyen Kim Son spoke at the international conference "Happiness in Education" held at TH School System on the morning of November 23.
According to Mr. Son, the factors that help learners reach a state of happiness while studying are thanks to teachers knowing how to raise problems. Knowing how to guide and encourage learners to solve problems themselves is a profound professional factor. This factor guides learners to find happiness and interest in studying...
Students are able to feel and evaluate their own progress… When they see themselves as better than yesterday, they will be happy. But the premise of true happiness is when they have the right attitude and live a pure life, knowing how to care for others… Related to these factors is the education to develop emotional intelligence or emotional capacity, the ability to control and express emotions… This is education on how people can live happily, know how to create happiness for themselves and for everyone.
Minister Nguyen Kim Son also said that paying attention to building happy schools is important for educators, just like Ms. Thai Huong expressed through her efforts to create a happy environment at TH School.
"The person who has the idea does not necessarily directly create a happy school in reality, but if the idea does not exist, it will never exist in reality," Minister Nguyen Kim Son stated his opinion.
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