German Education and Research Minister Bettina Stark-Watzinger said China was becoming a "systemic competitor" in the field of scientific research.
German Education and Research Minister Bettina Stark-Watzinger (pictured) warns of the risk of scientific espionage from China - Photo: Ms. Stark-Watzinger visits BioNTech's laboratory in Mainz, Germany on July 27. (Source: Reuters) |
On July 29, speaking to the Bayern Media Group (Germany), Ms. Bettina Stark-Watzinger said that research organizations and universities need to have the responsibility to protect against espionage activities by scholarship recipients funded by Beijing.
“In science and research, China is increasingly becoming a competitor and a systemic rival,” the official said.
At the same time, she welcomed the decision of Friedrich Alexander University (FAU) Erlangen-Nürnberg – according to which, from June 1, the university will no longer accept those who are only funded by the China Scholarship Council (CSC) for young scientific talents.
According to Ms. Stark-Watzinger, this is a strategic tool for China and the help of this tool will help narrow the technology gap by gathering knowledge from abroad.
Besides, she said, these people do not fully demonstrate the freedom of expression and academic freedom, stipulated in the Basic Law (Constitution) of Germany.
Minister Stark-Watzinger suggested that other organizations should also reconsider their partnerships with CSC following FAU's decision, citing the responsibilities that research institutions, universities, and intermediary organizations have in place for academic freedom.
However, the German University Association thinks differently. "The decision is up to the university. If there are specific suspicions of espionage, such an exclusion may be necessary. However, I think there are problems with a complete ban," said Hubert Detmer, the organization's second-in-command.
In mid-July, Germany published a 64-page strategy paper on how to deal with China, which included issues of cooperation in scientific research. Beijing reacted strongly to the document.
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