The new regulations on vocational education quality assessment have changed by focusing more on criteria and standards closely related to current practices at vocational schools.
The Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs has issued a Circular stipulating criteria and standards for vocational education quality assessment, effective from February 15, replacing Circular No. 15 of 2017, which is the basis for vocational schools to improve training quality and be recognized.
In this new regulation, vocational education quality assessment has 8 criteria that vocational schools need to implement, including mission, objectives, organization and management; training activities; teachers, managers, civil servants, and employees; training programs, textbooks; facilities, training equipment; scientific research and international cooperation; learners and activities to support learners; quality monitoring and assessment.
Quality assessment criteria at vocational schools are adjusted to suit changes in practice.
Compared with the 2017 circular, this circular has removed the criterion of "financial management" and adjusted the criterion of "scientific research, technology transfer and international cooperation" to "scientific research and international cooperation".
In the criterion "learner services", the new regulation changes to "learners and learner support activities". Similarly, the criterion "facilities, training equipment and libraries" is adjusted to "facilities, training equipment".
The standards of each criterion have also been adjusted and changed. For example, the criteria on mission, objectives, organization and management have been reduced from 12 standards to 5 standards, focusing on the content of building, operating and strengthening the management of the quality assurance system of schools.
The training activity criteria previously had 17 standards, but now there are only 8; the criteria for teachers, managers, civil servants, workers, and training programs and textbooks have been reduced from 15 standards to 7...
In the criteria on scientific research and international cooperation, a standard of the old regulation required that each year the school have at least 1 scientific research topic, innovation initiative for secondary schools and at least 2 topics, initiatives for colleges, but in the new circular, this requirement no longer exists.
Regarding the quality assessment of training programs, the new regulation also removes the criteria on financial management and makes some adjustments. For example, the new regulation requires output standards while this was not included in the 2017 regulation. The criteria "facilities, training equipment and libraries" are adjusted to "facilities, training equipment and learning materials"...
Regarding the scores to pass the accreditation, the 2017 circular stipulates that the evaluation scores of criteria 3, 4, 5, 7 (teachers, managers and staff; programs, curriculum; facilities, training equipment and libraries; quality monitoring and assessment) must reach 80% or more of the standard score of each criterion.
Meanwhile, the new regulations on similar criteria (structure and content of training programs, curriculum; teaching staff, managers and employees; facilities, training equipment and learning materials; quality monitoring and assessment) require a passing score of 75% or higher.
Thus, it can be said that the assessment of vocational education quality has had some adjustments to focus more on the criteria and standards that are truly important and necessary, in line with the changes in practice at current vocational schools.
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