Accordingly, since 2015 until now, the picture of investment in real estate, stocks, gold, foreign currency, and savings deposits has different colors.
Among them, the stock market witnessed the most ups and downs, however, the VNIndex as of the second quarter of 2023 still increased by 96% compared to the beginning of 2015.
Meanwhile, profits from foreign currency investments have increased by only 11% after nearly 9 years. Profits from savings deposits, although still increasing steadily, by the second quarter of 2023, only reached an increase of 41% compared to the beginning of 2015.
Gold and land prices recorded increases of 90% and 69%, respectively.
Surpassing all the above investment types, apartments have recorded a fast and stable growth rate of profit margin (price increase rate plus rental yield) over the past 9 years. Data provided by shows that as of the second quarter of 2023, apartment investment profits have increased by 97% compared to the beginning of 2015.
Thus, apartments have become the most profitable investment channel.
Data from shows that the demand for real estate nationwide in the first 5 months of 2023 decreased by 33% compared to the same period last year, and the number of listings for sale also decreased by 44%. This data partly reflects that real estate supply and demand are facing many challenges in the face of the general difficulties of the market. In the current context of the macro economy and real estate market, the data and trends that will provide in the second quarter report of 2023 will help real estate buyers and investors have a "compass" to guide their decisions.
In the first 5 months of 2023, the number of interested buyers of land decreased by nearly 50% compared to the same period in 2022. The transaction situation in the land market is still quiet due to the impact on the confidence of buyers and investors and the difficulties in credit limits and loan interest rates have not been completely resolved.
However, the real estate consumer sentiment report (CSS) on trends in the second half of 2023 by shows that 61% of survey participants plan to buy real estate in the next year. Of these, 59% have a need to buy for investment and land is the type that potential buyers are most interested in (40%), followed by apartments (28%) and private houses (21%). Thus, although the current market situation has not improved, Vietnamese people still "cherish" the desire to own land, the demand for land in the near future is still superior to other types.
Ngoc Vy
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