DNVN - Finance Minister Ho Duc Phoc has just sent a request to localities to establish a steering committee to urge the collection of tax arrears, land use fees, and land rents in the area. Tax authorities are stepping up the implementation of measures to temporarily suspend exit.
The Minister of Finance has just sent an official dispatch to provinces and centrally run cities requesting coordination in the work of handling tax debt collection.
According to Minister Ho Duc Phoc, in the first four months of the year, tax arrears in many localities tended to increase, especially debts for land use fees and land rents.
In this situation, the Ministry of Finance proposes to establish a steering committee to urge the collection of tax arrears, land use fees, and land rents in the province/city. The steering committee will review the list of taxpayers with large tax debts in the area, determine specific collection measures for each taxpayer. Report monthly on the results of activities to the People's Committee of the province/city and the Ministry of Finance (through the General Department of Taxation).
The Minister of Finance also requested that heads of provinces and cities direct relevant agencies in their localities to closely coordinate with tax authorities to apply coercive measures in accordance with the provisions of the Law on Tax Administration to recover tax arrears.
For long-standing debts of land use fees, land rent, and mineral exploitation rights, localities need to focus on removing difficulties and obstacles (if any) to promptly handle tax debt recovery. For projects that are slow to pay, have long-standing tax debts, and do not fulfill financial obligations to the state, the steering committee will advise the People's Committees of provinces and cities to carry out land recovery.
Tax authorities and relevant agencies also need to coordinate in providing information to promptly and effectively implement measures to enforce tax debt collection. Publicize information on taxpayers who are slow to pay tax debts on mass media according to the provisions of law.
Promote the application of temporary suspension of entry and exit for individuals and individuals who are legal representatives of taxpayers who are enterprises that are being forced to execute administrative decisions on tax management and have not fulfilled their tax payment obligations.
Source: https://doanhnghiepvn.vn/kinh-te/bo-tai-chinh-yeu-cau-tang-hoan-xuat-canh-de-thu-hoi-no-thue/20240529072613001
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