ANTD.VN - According to the Ministry of Finance, there is a situation of taking advantage of the policy on tax-free goods for border residents, making lists of residents and then collecting tax-free standards to import large shipments and then reselling them.
Voters in Quang Ninh province have just submitted a petition to the Ministry of Finance to raise the tax-free goods limit for border residents who are Vietnamese citizens and have permanent residence in border areas. This is to ensure that the tax-free goods value limit is equivalent to, or nearly equal to, the tax-free goods value limit for Chinese border residents.
In response, the Ministry of Finance said that this issue must be carefully evaluated and considered.
According to the Ministry of Finance, the current laws on export and import taxes have incentives for the purchase and exchange of goods by border residents.
Specifically, goods included in the list and quota for production and consumption by border residents will be exempt from tax.
In case of buying, selling and transporting goods within the quota but not used for production or consumption of border residents and exported and imported goods of foreign traders permitted to do business in border markets, tax must be paid.
Border residents are Vietnamese citizens with permanent residence in border areas, people with residence permits when buying and selling goods are exempted from tax with a value not exceeding 2 million VND per person per trip per day; and not exceeding 4 trips per month for goods on the List of goods bought, sold and exchanged by border residents as prescribed by the Ministry of Industry and Trade.
Accordingly, each resident is exempted from tax with a maximum value of 8 million VND per month, equivalent to 96 million VND per year.
The tax exemption limit for border residents is higher than the average income of people in most border localities. |
The Ministry of Finance said that this tax exemption level is higher than the average monthly income per capita of people in most localities in border areas with particularly difficult economic conditions such as Lai Chau, Dien Bien, Ha Tinh, Gia Lai...
The implementation of this regulation in recent times has contributed to expanding trade exchanges for people on both sides. However, it has also revealed some shortcomings such as difficulties in quarantine management, inspection, control of import and export goods, and prevention of trade fraud. Notably, there is the phenomenon of taking advantage of preferential policies, creating lists of residents, then collecting tax-free standards to import large shipments and then reselling them.
Therefore, the Ministry of Industry and Trade is currently proposing to the Government to amend, including reducing the tax exemption limit and the value of imported goods in the form of purchase and exchange by residents.
In addition, the Ministry of Finance said that the goods on the list of goods for sale and exchange are all domestically produced. The State has a policy of encouraging people to use domestic goods.
Therefore, raising the issue of raising the tax-free goods quota may encourage border residents to use imported essential goods instead of domestic goods; at the same time, it affects the implementation of solutions to promote official import and export.
Furthermore, the Ministry of Finance also said that to promote official import and export, the special preferential tax rate for most goods in the agreements of which Vietnam and China are members is basically 0%.
Through review, the tax rate in the ASEAN-China trade agreement has completed the reduction obligation by 2020. The average tax rate in the entire schedule is only 2.18%, of which about 90% of the items in the list of goods traded by border residents are enjoying a 0% tax rate.
“From the above analysis, the issue of increasing the value of tax-free goods for border residents needs to be carefully studied and evaluated, taking into account all related factors such as usage needs, income, living standards of border residents, and limiting trade fraud,” the Ministry of Finance stated.
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