Need to report to clarify the reason for the delay in budget arrangement
This afternoon (August 20), continuing the 36th session, the National Assembly Standing Committee gave opinions on the Ministry of Health's proposal to supplement the 2024 state budget estimate to implement expanded vaccination activities.
Reporting at the meeting, Minister of Finance Ho Duc Phoc said that the Government submitted to the National Assembly Standing Committee for consideration and decision to supplement the Ministry of Health's 2024 budget for health, population and family expenditures in the amount of VND 424.5 billion to carry out expanded vaccination activities in 2024.
Minister of Finance Ho Duc Phoc.
Of which, the budget for purchasing vaccines in 2024 and reserves in the first 6 months of 2025 is 423 billion VND, including 11 types of vaccines: neonatal hepatitis B, tuberculosis, oral polio, measles, measles - rubella, Japanese encephalitis, diphtheria - whooping cough - tetanus, tetanus - reduced dose diphtheria, tetanus, rotavirus and DPT-VGB-Hib.
This includes VND 110.6 billion to pay for the contract to purchase 2.8 million doses of DPT-VGB-Hib vaccine on February 5, 2024 between the National Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology and Vaccine and Biological Products Company No. 1.
In addition, there is a budget for compensation for adverse events due to vaccination in 2024 of 1.5 billion VND, including: 118 million VND for compensation for 1 severe adverse event in 2023 and nearly 1.4 billion VND expected to compensate for 12 severe adverse events that may occur in 2024, ensuring compensation for the correct cases according to regulations.
Reviewing this content, Chairman of the Finance and Budget Committee Le Quang Manh said that the majority of the Standing Committee's opinions found that the Government's submission of the Ministry of Health's supplementary state budget estimate for 2024 to implement expanded immunization activities has sufficient legal basis and is within its authority as prescribed in relevant resolutions of the National Assembly. At the same time, it meets the requirements of necessity to ensure the safety of people's health and lives, especially children.
The expanded immunization task is deployed and arranged regularly every year. However, this task has not been budgeted at the beginning of the year, and it was not until August that the Government submitted a proposal to supplement funding for this task, which is quite slow.
"The Government should learn from experience and report clearly the reasons for the delay in budget allocation," said Mr. Manh.
The government is responsible for allocating funds to purchase vaccines.
Regarding the budget for purchasing vaccines in 2024 and reserving for the first 6 months of 2025 with the amount of 423 billion VND, the majority of opinions in the Standing Committee of the Finance and Budget Committee agreed with the plan submitted by the Government.
At the same time, the Government is requested to take responsibility for allocating funds to purchase vaccines in accordance with the provisions of law, ensuring the rationality to implement vaccination tasks according to the set plan.
Chairman of the Finance and Budget Committee Le Quang Manh.
Mr. Manh also reflected that there were opinions that, because the maximum unit price in 2024 has not been determined, it is not possible to determine a specific price for ordering and implementing the order. At the same time, the basis for determining the price as calculated by the Ministry of Finance has not been ensured, as well as determining the difference between the estimate prepared by the Ministry of Health and the estimate of the Ministry of Finance. Therefore, it is recommended to consider deciding on this budget.
Regarding the compensation for post-vaccination complications of VND 1,497 billion, the Standing Committee of the Finance and Budget Committee agreed with the Government's proposal.
In addition, there are opinions requesting the Government to clearly report the reasons for the expected increase in the number of serious accidents that may occur in 2024 (12 cases), compared to 2023 (1 case). At the same time, consider adding more funding for propaganda, education and communication work because the allocated funding is not enough compared to the actual needs that arise.
There are suggestions to allocate funds to conduct vaccine testing, ensure safety for people, and avoid vaccine-related accidents.
From the above opinions, according to Mr. Manh, the Standing Committee of the Finance and Budget Committee proposed that the Standing Committee of the National Assembly allow the Ministry of Health to supplement the 2024 health, population and family expenditure estimate of 424.5 billion VND to carry out expanded vaccination activities.
At the meeting, members of the National Assembly Standing Committee voted in principle to approve the Government's proposal.
The National Assembly Standing Committee requested the Government to review and complete the draft resolution of the National Assembly Standing Committee to ensure the specificity and completeness of the above content, send it to the reviewing agency for further completion, and seek written opinions in accordance with the correct procedure, before signing and promulgating the resolution.
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