In memory of him, on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of his death, Tre Publishing House has just released a valuable research set with 6 titles: Outline of the history of the three religions of Vietnam; Experience of Vietnamese history; Thoai Ngoc Hau and the pioneering activities in Hau Giang; Half a month in That Son region; Vietnamese ego and Le Thanh Hau Nguyen Huu Canh (photo) . Through many domestic and foreign documents, including written documents and living documents from his own experiences, author Nguyen Van Hau brings readers back to the stories of the time of land reclamation, the unique cultural beliefs of the Vietnamese people and the nation's work of building and defending the country.
Coming to the book "Vietnamese History Experience" , readers will enjoy exploring the "treasure trove" of national names and their meanings, generalizing the natural characteristics and population of our country with the struggles from the period of Northern domination to the period of "Western domination"... With the book "Vietnam Three Religions Outline" , the book is like a "black box", where the author decodes the Three Religions - Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism: from the origin to the process of introduction and development of the three religions in Vietnam. The travelogue " Half a Month in the Seven Mountains" is the author's own fascinating journey of discovery about the land of That Son, an area famous for seven sacred mountains located in the Southwest.
A character that researcher Nguyen Van Hau has worked hard to do for many years, with rich sources of materials, is Thoai Ngoc Hau, a national hero with great merit in reclaiming, opening up and developing the economy for the Hau Giang region, through the work Le Thanh Hau Nguyen Huu Canh .
With a simple, intimate and sincere writing style, Nguyen Van Hau wants to "pass on the fire" to future generations about love for his homeland and country, and valuable lessons to help the country develop and prosper. The book series was published many decades ago but still has lasting value over time.
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