Later, when giving opinions on this content, the Standing Committee of the National Assembly determined that this is a highly sensitive issue, with a great impact on society and there are still disagreements. Therefore, the drafting agency submitted and requested the Government to accept the opinions of the Standing Committee of the National Assembly, not to stipulate the ownership of apartment buildings with a limited term in the draft Law on Housing (amended) submitted to the National Assembly for comments.

In fact, based on the opinions of many readers, the People's Army Newspaper published the article "Inspection of old apartments" in the "Let's discuss" column, published on March 24, 2023, in which it "dissected" clearly the shortcomings if the Housing Law strictly stipulates the ownership period of apartments. Therefore, the fact that the drafting agency accepted this opinion will be agreed and highly appreciated by many readers of the People's Army Newspaper.

Illustration photo/VNA.

However, when discussing this issue, on the National Assembly forum on the morning of June 19, there were still different opinions. Some delegates still agreed with the view that it is necessary to strictly regulate the ownership period of apartment buildings in the draft law. These delegates said that regulating the ownership period of apartment buildings in the law has two advantages. The first advantage is that home buyers will only have to pay for owning the house during the design period, not having to pay for indefinite ownership. The second advantage is that when the period expires, the apartment building can be demolished immediately without having to negotiate with the residents.

Current law does not prohibit investors from building and selling apartments with a limited term. In fact, there have been a number of apartment building projects that sell apartments with a limited term of ownership. Although the selling price of this type of apartment is lower than the selling price of apartments with long-term ownership, investors cannot sell it, leading to having to adjust to long-term ownership. This shows that the general psychology and need of most apartment buyers is to find apartments with long-term ownership, associated with long-term land use rights.

Without any legal regulations, investors still have the right to produce apartment products with ownership rights for a certain period of time for business purposes. Why argue about things that already exist but are not accepted in practice and try to forcefully put them into law?