The Ministry of Public Security has just issued a circular amending and supplementing a number of articles of Circular No. 67/2019 regulating the implementation of democracy in ensuring traffic order and safety.
The Circular takes effect from November 15.
According to the new circular, at Point c, Clause 1, Article 5, the public content of the people's police in ensuring traffic order and safety includes: Technical means and equipment to detect administrative violations according to the provisions of the Law on Handling of Administrative Violations.
Thus, compared to previous regulations, the content of publicizing "uniforms and police numbers" has been eliminated.
In addition, in Article 11, the regulations on the form of people's supervision in ensuring traffic order and safety have also been changed. According to the new regulations, people are supervised through the following forms:
Access to public information of the police force and on mass media; through monitoring entities as prescribed by law; contact and directly resolve work with officers and soldiers; results of handling cases, petitions, complaints, denunciations, recommendations, and reflections; directly observe the work of ensuring traffic order and safety.
The monitoring process must ensure: Not affecting the normal activities of officers and soldiers while performing their duties; outside the area of official duty, and at the same time complying with other relevant legal regulations.
Thus, compared to previous regulations, the form of monitoring through recording and video recording devices has been eliminated.
Previously, the Ministry of Public Security assessed that the supervision of some citizens over the traffic police force was sometimes not objective and in accordance with regulations. There was a situation of taking advantage of the right to supervise to film, record, and take photos of the working process with traffic police officers and soldiers and sharing them on social networks, affecting the image of the traffic police force.
In addition, the opposition also took advantage of inciting people to send complaints and denunciations to many places, causing complications for law enforcement on traffic order and safety.
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