In 2024, the work of advising on the drafting and submission of draft laws, ordinances and decrees will be actively implemented by agencies and units, achieving better results, with more laws being drafted and passed than in 2023. The work of reviewing and proposing the drafting of documents will be carried out seriously and systematically by agencies and units. Thereby, meeting the requirements of state management in the military and defense fields as well as building and managing the Army.
Senior Lieutenant General Vo Minh Luong gave a directive speech. |
Legal documents are appraised, examined, and carefully reviewed for content and legality; correctly reflect the Party's viewpoints and guidelines, are consistent with the country's socio-economic situation, and the Army's management and command requirements, and have no documents contrary to State regulations.
In 2025, the work of law-making is facing the requirement of fundamental and strong changes, especially when the Law on Promulgation of Legal Documents was passed and took effect from April 1; the Party, the National Assembly, and the Government directed the urgent review and proposal of amendments and supplements to a number of articles of the Constitution after the Politburo and the Secretariat issued Conclusion No. 127-KL/TW requesting research on the orientation of merging a number of provincial-level units, not organizing at the district level, and merging a number of commune-level units.
For the Ministry of National Defense, the program for drafting legal documents in 2025 issued together with Decision No. 496/QD-BQP dated February 13, 2025 identifies the task of drafting 4 draft laws and ordinances; 18 decrees; 3 decisions of the Prime Minister and 92 circulars of the Minister of National Defense.
At the same time, the initial results of the review of legal documents serving the organization and organization of the political system predict that the military and defense sectors need to be amended, supplemented, newly issued or handled by the National Assembly's resolution, including 9 draft laws, 20 decrees and 31 circulars.
Conference delegates. |
That task requires agencies and units to urgently review, propose amendments and supplements to legal documents related to the implementation of Conclusion No. 127-KL/TW of the Politburo and Secretariat. Review and propose solutions to difficulties and shortcomings, especially issues related to decentralization, delegation of authority, and simplification of administrative procedures.
Effectively and qualitatively implementing the work of reviewing legal documents to serve the organizational arrangement of the political system has been determined in the plan attached to Decision No. 967/QD-BQP dated March 19, 2025 of the Minister of National Defense.
Agencies and units must prioritize maximum resources, speed up progress, urgently develop and submit to the Government, Prime Minister, and Minister of National Defense for promulgation documents detailing laws and resolutions; seriously review and immediately overcome the situation of slow promulgation of documents detailing the implementation of laws and resolutions of the National Assembly.
Concentrate all resources in construction; contribute ideas to build legal documents to ensure quality and progress and be responsible for the content of participation in projects and draft documents within the scope of management of the sector and field in accordance with the spirit of the newly passed Law on Promulgation of Legal Documents.
Conference scene. |
At the conference, after listening to the opinions, Senior Lieutenant General Vo Minh Luong directly discussed, shared, and answered many questions surrounding the work of drafting legal documents. He commended the agencies and units that performed this task well in 2024, such as: General Department of Defense Industry; Department of Military Forces, Department of Search and Rescue under the General Staff of the Vietnam People's Army; Air Defense - Air Force Service; Department of Personnel, General Department of Politics of the Vietnam People's Army...
Faced with the demands and challenges for the law-making work of the Ministry of National Defense, the Deputy Minister requested agencies and units to closely follow the conclusions and instructions from above; decide according to their authority on real resources to properly implement procedures, ensure quality, and meet the set schedule; and coordinate well with agencies inside and outside the Army in the law-making process.
He also requested that agencies propose appropriate rewards for organizations and individuals who have completed their tasks well and strictly handle those who have not. Heads of agencies and units are personally responsible to the Party Committee, superior commanders, the Minister of National Defense, and the Standing Committee of the Central Military Commission in developing laws and ensuring content and progress.
News and photos: DUC TUAN
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