Units develop plans to replace signs on operating roads according to the transitional roadmap specified in QCVN41:2024 of the Ministry of Transport.
The Ministry of Transport has just issued a telegram requesting the Departments of Construction Investment Management, Vietnam Roads, Vietnam Expressways; Departments of Transport of provinces and cities; Project Management Boards: 2, 6, 7, 85, Thang Long, My Thuan, Ho Chi Minh Road; Vietnam Expressway Corporation (VEC); investors, enterprises investing in construction, management, and exploitation of national highways and expressways under the form of public-private partnership (PPP) to strengthen inspection, review, adjustment, and supplement the road signaling system to ensure road traffic safety and order.
Inadequacies in the sign on Le Duan Street, Pleiku City, Gia Lai Province were reported by the press.
Accordingly, the Ministry of Transport requires the Vietnam Road Administration and the Departments of Transport to review, adjust, and supplement road signs, regularly maintain road signs on exploited routes under their management, ensuring that road signs are arranged reasonably, scientifically, easily recognizable, and in accordance with traffic organization plans.
At the same time, develop a plan to replace signals on operating roads according to the transitional roadmap specified in QCVN41:2024/BGTVT.
"The Vietnam Road Administration and the Departments of Transport shall guide, inspect, and urge agencies, organizations, investors, and enterprises assigned by the State to invest in the construction, business, and exploitation of road works to implement the above contents," the Ministry of Transport requested.
For VEC and BOT investors, the Ministry of Transport requires the implementation of reviewing, adjusting, supplementing, and maintaining road signs on routes under management and exploitation according to regulations.
For investment projects in construction, renovation, upgrading, expansion, and repair of roads, the Ministry of Transport requires project investors to organize design reviews to adjust and supplement road signs according to QCVN41:2024 for bid packages that have not yet installed road signs and in accordance with the transitional provisions of this standard.
"The Department of Construction Investment Management, the Vietnam Expressway Administration, the Vietnam Road Administration and the Departments of Transport within their assigned management scope shall guide, inspect and urge investors to implement the construction and installation of road signs in accordance with regulations," the Ministry of Transport directed.
Source: https://www.baogiaothong.vn/bo-gtvt-yeu-cau-thay-the-bien-bao-theo-dung-quy-chuan-41-192250220184908504.htm
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