The 2025 high school graduation exam includes two compulsory subjects, Math and Literature, and two elective subjects, according to the recommendation of the Ministry of Education and Training.
The above content was presented by the Ministry of Education and Training in a draft report on the plan to organize exams and consider recognizing high school graduation from 2025, sent to Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha on November 6.
The Ministry said it had widely consulted on three exam options. Option 1 is for candidates to take two compulsory subjects: Literature, Mathematics and two elective subjects (from the following subjects: Foreign Language, History, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geography, Economic and Legal Education, Information Technology and Technology). Option 2 includes three compulsory subjects (Literature, Mathematics, Foreign Language) and two elective subjects. Option 3 is for candidates to take four compulsory subjects (Literature, Mathematics, Foreign Language, History) and two elective subjects.
As a result, the majority chose options two or three compulsory subjects. Specifically, when surveying nearly 130,700 officials and teachers nationwide on options 2 and 3, nearly 74% chose option 2 - taking three compulsory subjects. After that, the Ministry surveyed nearly 18,000 more officials and teachers in Ho Chi Minh City, Long An, Tay Ninh, Lang Son and Bac Giang with all three options, 60% chose option 1 (taking two compulsory subjects).
In addition, the Ministry consulted 10 experts at a meeting jointly held by the Office of the National Council for Education and Human Resources Development and the Department of Quality Management on October 5. As a result, 6 experts chose the option of taking two compulsory subjects.
Based on these results and comments, as well as on the core principles in the process of developing the exam plan, the Ministry of Education and Training recommends that the high school graduation exam from 2025 include two compulsory subjects and two optional subjects.
The reason given by the Ministry is to reduce exam pressure for students, reduce costs for their families and society because compared to the current exam, the number of exam subjects is reduced by two and the number of exam sessions is reduced by one.
This option also does not cause an imbalance between social sciences or natural sciences. Meanwhile, the percentage of candidates choosing social sciences in the last three years has always been around 64-68%.
In addition, the Ministry believes that with 9 elective subjects, students have been tested and evaluated comprehensively, showing their scores in their transcripts. Choosing two out of 9 subjects allows candidates to choose the exam subject that suits their career orientation, abilities and interests. They can continue to study at university, learn a trade or enter the labor market immediately.
Candidates taking the 2023 high school graduation exam at Tran Dai Nghia High School for the Gifted, District 1. Photo: Quynh Tran
Previously, many experts and teachers also spoke out in support of the plan to take two or three compulsory subjects, along with two elective subjects. According to Professor Do Duc Thai, editor-in-chief of the Mathematics subject of the 2018 general education program, most high school graduation exams or exams in the world are streamlined, so taking 2-3 compulsory subjects is appropriate. However, many people are concerned that if only two compulsory subjects are taken, students will neglect Foreign Language - an important subject in the integration era.
Regarding the content of the 2025 high school graduation exam, the Ministry of Education and Training said that the exam questions will focus on enhancing capacity assessment, in accordance with regulations and roadmap for implementing the 2018 general education program. Literature will be tested in essay format, the remaining subjects will be multiple choice, similar to the present.
The Ministry also plans to maintain the stability of paper-based high school graduation exams in the 2025-2030 period, in parallel with increasing the application of information technology; after 2030, gradually pilot computer-based exams for multiple-choice subjects in localities with sufficient conditions.
2025 is the time when the first batch of students under the new general education program will take the graduation exam. Currently, the high school graduation exam is organized with 6 subjects, including Math, Literature, Foreign Language, Natural Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology) or Social Science (History, Geography, Civic Education).
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