The Ministry of Education and Training has announced the 2025 high school graduation exam plan.
Accordingly, candidates must take compulsory exams in Literature, Mathematics and 2 subjects that candidates can choose from the remaining subjects studied in grade 12 (Foreign Language, History, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geography, Economic and Legal Education, Information Technology, Technology).
Candidates must take 4 subjects in the 2025 high school graduation exam (photo TL).
The Ministry of Education and Training said that the above exam plan was built on the basis of closely following the policies of the Party, the National Assembly, the Government and the regulations of the State's laws and the relevant education and training sector on exam organization to ensure the organization of exams and recognition of high school graduation.
Specifically, according to Resolution No. 29-NQ/TW of the Central Executive Committee dated November 4, 2013, it is required to "Innovate the method of examination and recognition of high school graduation in the direction of reducing pressure and costs for society while still ensuring reliability, honesty, and correct assessment of students' abilities, as a basis for vocational education and university education enrollment";
Resolution No. 144/NQ-CP dated September 10, 2023 of the Government requires: "Soon research and announce the High School Graduation Exam Plan from 2025 to ensure compactness, efficiency, practicality, reduce pressure, reduce costs and create social consensus".
In addition, the Ministry of Education and Training also closely follows regulations related to high school graduation exams and admissions of the current Law on Education and Law on Higher Education.
Specifically, "Students who complete the high school program and meet the requirements prescribed by the Minister of Education and Training are eligible to take the exam. If they meet the requirements, they will be awarded a high school diploma by the head of the specialized education agency under the provincial People's Committee" - Education Law No. 43/2019/QH14;
“The right to autonomy in academics and professional activities includes promulgating and organizing the implementation of standards and quality policies, opening majors, enrolling students, training, scientific and technological activities, and domestic and international cooperation in accordance with the provisions of law” - Law on Higher Education No. 34/2018/QH14 stipulates.
In addition, according to the Ministry of Education and Training, the exam plan also closely follows the goals of the 2018 General Education Program: “High school education is a career-oriented education stage that helps students continue to develop the qualities and abilities necessary for workers, civic awareness and personality, self-study ability and lifelong learning awareness, ensuring that students have access to careers, choose careers that are suitable to their abilities and interests, conditions and circumstances to continue studying, learn a trade or participate in working life”.
The 2018 General Education Program also stipulates: Ensuring systematicity and synchronization between innovation of national exams and regular and periodic assessment during the teaching and learning process; synchronization with the roadmap for autonomy in higher education, contributing to improving the quality and effectiveness of university and vocational education enrollment.
This exam plan was also built by the Ministry of Education and Training to inherit and promote valuable experiences accumulated in the period 2015 - 2023.
Actively receive and apply international achievements and experiences in innovating high school graduation exams.
Thus, it can be seen that the principles of developing examination plans are built by the Ministry of Education and Training based on scientific and practical foundations.
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