Starting from 2025, the Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) will apply the plan to organize the 2025 high school graduation exam. Accordingly, the exam will have many innovations compared to before, especially the exam content will closely follow the General Education Program (GDPT) with high "openness".
Below are the new points in the draft of the new Circular on Regulations on High School Graduation Exams from 2025, which has just been announced by the Ministry of Education and Training. Candidates and parents should note:
First : Shorten the exam time from the current 4 sessions to 3 sessions.
Second : Exam subjects and exam questions as announced in the High School Graduation Exam Plan from 2025, specifically:
Adding the subjects of Information Technology and Technology (Industry, Agriculture), these are the subjects that are being tested for the first time in the Exam.
Added some new question formats for multiple choice exams (previously there was only 1 multiple choice question format).
Increase the differentiation of exam questions in all subjects to achieve the objectives of the Exam as announced in the exam plan.
Third: Strengthen the application of information technology and digital transformation in exam organization, notably:
All candidates can register for the exam online (previously, independent candidates had to submit their application in person), verify personal information and prioritize exam points through a digital database.
The transmission of exam papers (digitalization) has a new method through the Government Cipher Committee's system, ensuring speed, security, time and cost savings.
Fourth : Organize exam sites and exam rooms, arrange exam sites and exam rooms according to the principle of maximum support for candidates so they do not have to move exam rooms:
Allow mixing students from nearby educational institutions to organize convenient testing locations for candidates.
Candidates may only take the exam in one room during the entire exam period.
Priority is given to arranging the same exam of 2 elective subjects.
Thursday: Consideration of high school graduation recognition:
Increase the rate of using learning assessment results in grades 10, 11 and 12 to 50% (previously 30% and only using grade 12 results) with the aim of comprehensively assessing the abilities of students studying according to the 2018 General Education Program and increasing the effectiveness of achieving many goals of the Exam as announced.
Candidates with foreign language certificates that meet regulations are exempted from the Foreign Language exam, but it is not converted into 10 points in graduation recognition as currently regulated.
Sixth: Add regulations to pilot computer-based exams when conditions are met according to the roadmap as announced in the Exam Plan, gradually piloting from 2027 and when conditions are met, mass implementation after 2030.
From 2025, to be considered for high school graduation recognition, each candidate must take two compulsory subjects: Math and Literature and two subjects that the candidate chooses from the remaining subjects studied in grade 12 (Foreign Language, History, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geography, Economic and Legal Education, Information Technology and Technology).
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