In this draft, the Ministry of Education and Training has removed the controversial regulation of drawing lots for the third subject for the 10th grade entrance exam. To ensure consistency and a view of organizing a simple, inexpensive exam, the Ministry of Education and Training will generally stipulate that the 10th grade entrance exam will consist of 3 subjects: Math, Literature and the third subject or a combination exam.
"The third exam subject or combined exam will be selected by the Department of Education and Training and the university with the high school and announced before March 31 every year," the Ministry of Education and Training stated.
The third subject is selected from among the subjects assessed by scores in the general education program at the secondary level. The selection of the third subject has changed over the years to achieve the goal of comprehensive education in the basic education stage. The combined subject is also selected similarly.
The Ministry of Education and Training has abandoned the proposal to draw lots for the third exam subject for grade 10. (Illustration photo)
Regarding exam time, the draft stipulates that Literature is 120 minutes; Math is 90 minutes or 120 minutes; the third subject is 60 or 90 minutes; and the combined exam is 90 or 120 minutes.
The content of the 10th grade entrance exam is part of the secondary school general education program, mainly the 9th grade program.
In addition to the examination method, the Ministry of Education and Training allows localities to choose the admission method or a combination of examination and admission. The selection of the admission method is under the authority of the locality. The Department of Education and Training will advise the People's Committee of the province or city to approve and select the method.
At the same time, the Ministry of Education and Training also allows some secondary schools to enroll students in grade 6 through entrance exams. Schools will conduct entrance exams when the number of students registering for grade 6 is greater than the enrollment quota. The Department of Education and Training is responsible for guiding the enrollment process by combining admission with testing and evaluating students' abilities.
The draft regulations also stipulate a framework of requirements for exam preparation, exam supervision, exam grading, exam review, and announcement of results, benchmark scores, direct admission, priority policies, etc. to ensure quality and safety in organizing exams in localities.
According to the Ministry of Education and Training, the draft regulations on secondary and high school admissions are built from three core perspectives and principles. First, it is concise, not stressful and costly.
Second, it is necessary to promote educational activities, especially comprehensive education, so that students have full qualities and abilities, and are qualified to continue studying at high school; or if they change streams, vocational training also provides them with a foundation of qualities and abilities to study and practice their profession immediately.
In addition, the exam subjects and admission methods must also link the regular testing and assessment process with the final assessment; helping students have full qualities and abilities, suitable for the innovation trend and the new general education program.
Third, the Ministry of Education and Training issues regulations on the framework of regulations, ensuring a common ground to serve the work of State management in inspection, examination and evaluation. At the same time, it well implements the principle of decentralization, delegation of authority, and clearly defines the authority and responsibility of the Departments of Education and Training and higher education institutions with secondary and high schools.
2024-2025 is the school year that completes the cycle of implementing the new education program from grades 1 to 12. This means that this school year, the entrance exam for grade 10 and the high school graduation exam will be implemented according to the new program. "The issuance of the regulations for the entrance exam for junior high school and high school will be 3 months earlier than in previous years to create favorable conditions for students to study and review in preparation for the exam," the Ministry of Education and Training emphasized.
Before announcing the draft regulations on secondary and high school admissions to solicit public opinion, the Ministry of Education and Training sent them to 63 Departments of Education and Training and high schools nationwide to seek advice.
As of October 7, 63 Departments of Education and Training sent comments on the contents of junior high school and high school admissions, of which 8,267 comments agreed with the draft contents, accounting for 92.9%; 631 comments requested additional comments.
In particular, regarding the 10th grade exam plan, 60/63 Departments of Education and Training agreed with the 3-subject entrance exam plan and said that this is suitable for reality and reduces pressure.
It is expected that the Circular on junior high school and high school admission regulations will be completed and issued before December 31.
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