The 2024-2025 school year is the year in which the 2018 General Education Program is implemented in all grades from grade 1 to grade 12; it is also the first school year to organize the High School Graduation Exam according to the 2018 General Education Program.
The Education sector has identified the theme for the 2024-2025 school year as: "Innovation, quality improvement, solidarity and discipline".
One of the tasks that the Ministry of Education and Training focuses on this school year is to improve the quality of preschool and general education. Specifically, it will improve the quality of teaching and learning foreign languages, especially English at all levels and training levels. Research and develop projects and plans to gradually make English the second language in schools.
Effectively implement the General Education Program for all grades, especially grades 5, 9, and 12; enhance innovation in teaching and assessment methods towards developing students' qualities and abilities.
In addition, research and propose solutions to continue training and nurturing students who have won high prizes at international Olympic competitions to promote their qualities and abilities.
Prepare well the conditions to organize the 2025 high school graduation exam to ensure safety, seriousness and objectivity. Then, analyze, evaluate and exploit the high school graduation exam results database to serve the management and promulgation of high school teaching policies in localities and educational institutions.
Next, prepare well for university and college enrollment from 2025 onwards, in accordance with the 2018 General Education Program, ensuring quality and fairness.
The education sector will also issue a set of rules on academic integrity in scientific, technological and innovative activities, ensuring the principles of honesty, responsibility, fairness, transparency, in accordance with practice and international practices.
In addition, the Ministry is preparing conditions for pilot implementation of the new Preschool Education Program.
The education sector is also determined to properly implement regulations on revenues in the education and training sector for the 2024-2025 school year, and strengthen decentralized state management of revenues according to regulations.
The Ministry of Education and Training has determined that the entire sector will strengthen inspection and examination of the implementation of policies and laws on education and training in order to build a healthy educational environment, prevent and strictly handle violations. Focus on inspecting the responsibility of state management of education of People's Committees at all levels; the results of the implementation of tasks for the school year and the implementation of the General Education Program; the implementation of autonomy in higher education, opening majors, enrolling and training at all levels of higher education; conditions for ensuring educational quality and social accountability of educational institutions.
At the same time, we will inspect extra teaching and learning activities; inspect and evaluate the effectiveness of investment and use of facilities and teaching equipment at educational institutions.
Making English a Second Language and Lessons from Singapore and Malaysia
Making English a Second Language: Difficult but Necessary
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