For subjects that will be multiple-choice in the high school graduation exam from 2025, questions will be divided into 3 parts.

Part 1 includes multiple choice questions, with 4 options to choose 1 correct answer. For each correct answer, the candidate gets 0.25 points.

Part 2 consists of multiple choice questions in True/False format. Each question has 4 options, for each option the candidate chooses True or False.

Candidates who choose only 1 correct answer in a question will get 0.1 point; choose 2 correct answers in a question will get 0.25 points; choose 3 correct answers in a question will get 0.5 points; choose all 4 correct answers in a question will get 1 point.

Part 3 consists of multiple choice questions in short answer format. Candidates fill in the boxes corresponding to their answers. For Math, in this part, each correct answer is worth 0.5 points. For other subjects, in this part, each correct answer is worth 0.25 points.

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How to fill in the answer sheet for the 2025 high school graduation exam according to the instructions of the Ministry of Education and Training.

According to the recent instructions for using multiple-choice answer sheets from the Ministry of Education and Training, candidates must fill in all items from 1 to 8 clearly and completely. Candidates must fill in and write the registration number as prescribed.

In sections 7 and 8, in addition to writing numbers in the blank boxes, candidates must fill in the circles in the table below corresponding to the written numbers.

Candidates fill in the answer choices for each question/question on the test paper in the corresponding position on the test paper. In which:

Part I: Candidates only fill in one answer corresponding to answer A, B, C, D in the exam of the corresponding question.

For example: Candidates choose question 1 - answer A, question 2 - answer B, question 3 - answer C, question 4 - answer B, question 5 - answer D, then fill in as shown in Figure 1 below.

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Part II: Candidates fill in the box corresponding to the correct or incorrect answer for each idea in each question of the test.

For example: Part II, Question 1, candidates choose a - correct; b - incorrect; c - correct; d - correct, then fill in as in Figure 2 above.

Part III: Candidates start filling from left to right and leave the boxes on the right blank if not used.

Example 1: Part III, Question 1, candidate chooses the answer "-1.5" then fill in as in Figure 3 above.

Example 2: Part III, Question 1, candidate chooses the answer "1.5", then fill in as in Figure 4 above.

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Structure and number of questions in each section of multiple choice subjects in the 2025 high school graduation exam.

From 2025, candidates taking the high school graduation exam will only take 4 subjects, including 2 compulsory subjects (Literature, Mathematics) and 2 optional subjects (among the remaining subjects studied in grade 12 including: Foreign Language, History, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geography, Economic and Legal Education, Information Technology, Technology).

The Literature exam will be in essay format with a duration of 120 minutes. The exam consists of 2 parts: Reading (4 points) and Writing (6 points).

The remaining subjects will be tested in multiple-choice format, with Math taking 90 minutes and the remaining subjects taking 50 minutes.
