The Ministry of Industry and Trade sent a submission to the Prime Minister on the development and promulgation of a Prime Minister's decision to implement the Electricity Law 2025.
Instructions for implementing the Electricity Law - Photo: QN
The Electricity Law passed by the National Assembly on November 30, 2024 is assessed by the Ministry of Industry and Trade to have many new and breakthrough contents. The Law has many important contents, which have a wide impact on the electricity activities of enterprises, investors and management work.
Issue a law enforcement action plan
Therefore, along with recommending the Government to issue a plan to implement the law, the Ministry of Industry and Trade has sent the draft dossier to the Ministry of Justice for comments and information on the list of legal documents and detailed regulations of the law, ensuring that from February 1, 2025, the law is implemented uniformly, fully and synchronously nationwide.
According to the draft decision of the Prime Minister promulgating the plan to implement the law, developed by the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the focus will be on disseminating the content of the law, determining the content and progress of work that needs to be completed to implement the law uniformly, synchronously and effectively nationwide.
Specifically, the ministry will organize conferences to disseminate, propagate, popularize and train on the law and guiding documents. Develop and promulgate legal documents detailing instructions for law implementation.
In the dossier sent to the Ministry of Justice regarding the consultation on the development and promulgation of guiding documents for the Electricity Law, the Ministry of Industry and Trade said that since the law takes effect from February 1, 2025, the application of simplified procedures to develop and promulgate guiding documents is to promptly complete the institution and ensure adequate legal tools for implementation.
Accordingly, the documents proposed to guide the Electricity Law will include seven decrees. Specifically: Decree detailing a number of articles on electricity development planning and investment in electricity project construction; Decree detailing the development of renewable energy and new energy.
Decree stipulating conditions for electricity operations, procedures, processes and authority for granting, exempting, revoking and term of granting electricity operation licenses; Decree detailing a number of articles related to electricity trading activities and the ability to ensure electricity supply.
The Government issued 7 decrees, the Minister issued 27 circulars.
Decree on the mechanism for direct electricity purchase and sale between renewable energy power generation units and large electricity users; Decree on the mechanism and time for adjusting the basis for establishing and adjusting average retail electricity prices; Decree detailing the implementation of the Electricity Law on the protection of power works and safety in the electricity sector.
In addition, the Ministry of Industry and Trade also proposed to issue decisions of the Prime Minister guiding the implementation of the Electricity Law. Including: Regulations on the structure of retail electricity prices, electricity price mechanisms suitable for groups of electricity users, electricity support mechanisms for poor households, social policy households, electricity prices in rural, mountainous and island areas; decisions on the price framework of average retail electricity prices; decisions on criteria for poor households and social policy households.
At the same time, within the authority of the Minister of Industry and Trade, 27 circulars will be issued. The contents of the circulars will include basic surveys on renewable energy resources and new energy; methods of establishing and procedures for approving wholesale electricity price frameworks and determining wholesale electricity prices.
Prices of auxiliary services for the power system, contracts for providing auxiliary services; documents and procedures for purchasing and selling electricity with foreign countries; approval of price frames for electricity generation and import; regulations on temporary suspension and reduction of electricity supply; methods for determining electricity generation costs of power plants during the period of not participating in the market; regulations on electricity transmission prices; prices for electricity system operation and dispatch services; avoidable cost price list for small renewable energy plants.
In addition, there are regulations on the competitive wholesale electricity market, incident handling, power system startup, power transmission, distribution; electricity demand management; calculation of average electricity price; implementation of electricity price; electricity operation license; electrical works and electrical safety; national technical regulations on electrical safety; hydroelectric works...
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