Telegram sent to the Department of Industry and Trade of the following provinces and cities: Ha Tinh, Quang Binh, Quang Tri, Thua Thien Hue, Da Nang, Quang Nam, Quang Ngai, Binh Dinh, Phu Yen; Vietnam Electricity Group; corporations and general companies in the industry and trade sector; owners of hydroelectric dams and mineral exploitation projects in the following provinces and cities: Ha Tinh, Quang Binh, Quang Tri, Thua Thien Hue, Da Nang, Quang Nam, Quang Ngai, Binh Dinh, Phu Yen.
According to the Ministry of Industry and Trade, in recent days, in the Central region, especially in the provinces of Thua Thien Hue, Quang Ngai and Binh Dinh, there has been prolonged heavy rain, causing landslides, localized flooding, traffic disruption, some low-lying residential areas, riverside areas have been isolated due to deep flooding, affecting production, life and activities of the people. According to the forecast of the National Center for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting, in the next 2-3 days, due to the influence of cold air, there may be strong winds at sea, risk of heavy rain, flooding, landslides, flash floods in the Central region.
Pursuant to Official Dispatch No. 120/CD-TTg dated November 25, 2024 of the Prime Minister, in order to proactively respond to the complicated developments of floods in the coming time, minimizing damage to people and property, the Minister of Industry and Trade requests units in the industry and trade sector not to be subjective, continue to closely monitor the developments of floods, proactively direct and deploy response work according to their authority, ensuring timeliness and effectiveness, focusing on the following main tasks:
For Department of Industry and Trade of provinces and cities
Strictly implement Official Dispatch No. 120/CD-TTg dated November 25, 2024 of the Prime Minister.
Direct hydropower dam owners in the area to strictly implement the reservoir operation process approved by competent authorities, ensure scientific operation, absolute safety for the project, contribute to flood reduction for downstream, effectively exploit water resources, and at the same time pay attention to proactively storing enough water at the end of the flood season to serve production and daily life of the people.
Strengthen inspection of the operation to ensure the safety of dams and hydroelectric reservoirs, especially weak dams, small hydroelectric dams or those under construction or repair. Promptly detect landslide-prone areas to post warning signs, closely coordinate with local authorities to provide timely information, and ensure the safety of people, especially in emergency flood discharge situations.
Strengthen inspection and ensure safety for mineral exploration and exploitation activities and power grid systems in the management area.
Timely advise the Provincial People's Committee to direct investors of industrial projects, especially hydropower and mineral exploitation projects under construction in areas at risk of flash floods and landslides to immediately stop construction, have plans to evacuate workers, machinery, materials and equipment to safe places, and ensure smooth communication to serve incident response, natural disasters and search and rescue.
Urgently review areas that are likely or at risk of being cut off or isolated to promptly develop specific plans for stockpiling goods, ensuring the supply of essential goods, especially food, drinking water, and necessities to serve the people, especially households in cut off or isolated areas. Do not allow shortages of essential goods to serve the people.
For Vietnam Electricity Group
Directing local power units and hydropower dam owners under their management to prepare sufficient human resources, materials, means, and logistics according to the "4 on-site" principle to respond to the developments of floods and storms, strengthening inspection and self-inspection of power grid projects and hydropower dams to ensure safe and stable power supply, especially for important loads, and preparing all plans to restore power as soon as possible to areas affected by floods and storms.
Direct units managing and operating hydropower projects under their management to fully implement the requirements in this Official Dispatch.
Coordinate with the Department of Industry and Trade to direct and inspect the implementation of measures to ensure dam safety, especially for weak dams, small hydropower plants or those under construction or repair; the operation of hydropower reservoirs to ensure construction safety and downstream safety in accordance with the development of rain and floods.
For other corporations and groups in the Industry and Trade sector
Closely monitor the developments of the flood situation in the coming time from the National Center for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting to promptly direct and urge disaster prevention work at facilities under its management, ensure safety for people and key works, prepare resources, means and materials to promptly handle situations caused by natural disasters, and quickly restore production.
For hydroelectric dam owners
Strictly comply with the operating procedures of inter-reservoirs and single hydropower reservoirs approved by competent authorities, especially when unusual situations arise; operate scientifically, ensure absolute safety for the project, prevent artificial floods, contribute to flood reduction downstream, and pay attention to notify people early before operating flood discharge.
Strengthen inspection and assessment of dam status, equipment, flood discharge and water intake operations, flood discharge warning systems in downstream areas, etc. and promptly correct any deficiencies (if any).
Implement plans to ensure the safety of dams, downstream areas of reservoirs and unfinished construction works, especially key points and incidents caused by previous floods that have not been resolved; ensure timely warnings to authorities and people in downstream areas when releasing floodwaters, especially in emergency situations.
Coordinate with relevant authorities, districts, towns and cities to organize propaganda for people about the operation and regulation of hydroelectric reservoirs, skills to prevent drowning accidents when working and traveling in river and stream areas downstream of hydroelectric plants.
For units operating in mineral exploitation and processing
Inspect and review waste dumps, mines, warehouses, waste dump dike systems, tailings sludge dam systems, etc. to detect damages and defects that pose a safety risk in order to proactively handle them and have plans to ensure safety for the works and neighboring residential areas, especially in the event of heavy rain and floods; regularly reinforce drainage systems and dredge waste ponds to avoid the risk of mud overflow and dam breakage.
Proactively handle and have plans to relocate machinery, equipment, and houses in dangerous areas, places at risk of landslides, mud and rock spills.
Conduct a thorough inspection of hill slopes, slopes, around and behind construction sites, warehouses, factories, operator offices, works near slopes, etc. to promptly detect landslide risks and prepare timely response plans and measures.
In addition, the Ministry of Industry and Trade requests that units of the Industry and Trade sector focus on directing and strictly implementing this Official Dispatch, prepare forces, means and equipment to promptly respond to the complicated developments of the flood situation in the coming time and participate in rescue when requested; regularly update and report information to the Standing Office of Natural Disaster Prevention and Search and Rescue of the Ministry of Industry and Trade.
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