Weather news today 9.3.2024, according to the National Center for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting, the Northern region has scattered rain and light rain. Cold weather.
Weather news today 9.3.2024: East Sea strong winds, 4m high waves
Meanwhile, the area from Thanh Hoa to Thua Thien - Hue has scattered light rain this morning, then some rain. The north is cold.
Other areas have scattered showers at night; sunny during the day, the Central Highlands and the South have hot weather in some places, especially the Southeast has widespread heat.
At sea, currently in the northern East Sea area, there is strong northeast wind level 6. Today, this area has strong wind level 6, gusting to level 7 - 8. Rough sea. Waves are 2 - 4 m high.
On March 10, the northeastern sea area of the northern East Sea has strong northeast to east winds at level 6, gusting to level 7 - 8, waves 2 - 4 m high, rough seas; from the night of March 10, the wind tends to decrease gradually.
Warning level 2 natural disaster risk due to strong winds at sea.
Below is the weather news today 9.3.2024 for each region across the country.
Cloudy with scattered showers and drizzle. Light winds. Cold.
Lowest temperature from 15 - 18 degrees Celsius, some places below 14 degrees Celsius. Highest temperature from 19 - 22 degrees Celsius; in the northwest, some places above 23 degrees Celsius.
Cloudy with rain and drizzle. Northeast wind level 2 - 3. Cold.
Lowest temperature from 15 - 18 degrees Celsius; mountainous areas 12 - 15 degrees Celsius, high mountainous areas in some places below 12 degrees Celsius. Highest temperature from 18 - 21 degrees Celsius.
Thanh Hoa to Thua Thien - Hue
Cloudy, scattered light rain in the north, some rain in the south. North to northwest wind level 2 - 3. Cold in the north.
The lowest temperature is from 17 - 20 degrees Celsius, in the south some places are above 20 degrees Celsius. The highest temperature is from the north 20 - 23 degrees Celsius, in the south 23 - 26 degrees Celsius.
Cloudy, sunny during the day, some rain at night. Northeast wind level 2 - 3.
Lowest temperature from 22 - 25 degrees Celsius. Highest temperature from 29 - 32 degrees Celsius, in the south some places above 33 degrees Celsius.
Central Highlands
Cloudy, sunny day, no rain at night. Northeast to east wind level 2 - 3.
Lowest temperature from 20 - 23 degrees Celsius. Highest temperature from 30 - 33 degrees Celsius, some places above 34 degrees Celsius.
Southern region
Cloudy, sunny day, hot in the East; no rain at night. East to southeast wind level 2 - 3.
Lowest temperature from 24 - 27 degrees Celsius. Highest temperature from 32 - 35 degrees Celsius; in the East 35 - 37 degrees Celsius.
Cloudy, light rain. Northeast wind level 2 - 3. Cold.
Lowest temperature from 16 - 18 degrees Celsius. Highest temperature from 19 - 21 degrees Celsius.
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