Truc Bach Beer - a premium product in Habeco's product portfolio, created by brewers and passed down through generations, is the symbol and pride of Habeco. Over the decades, Truc Bach Beer, with its famous flavor, has proudly affirmed its position as a "Beer Masterpiece" in the market as well as in the hearts of connoisseurs, becoming the top choice of many Vietnamese businessmen.
In 2024, Truc Bach's new look will be upgraded to be trendy and elegant, but still imbued with the identity of a timeless heritage, affirming the class of a masterpiece worthy of the title "National Brand".
According to Habeco, the new Truc Bach logo stands out in a strong 3D block placed vertically as a declaration of the spirit of constant progress. The message "Beer Masterpiece" on the yacht logo is a mark of the desire to conquer, reach out to the ocean and reach the pinnacle of success.
The symbol "National Brand" and the words "Proud To Be National Brand" embrace the beer can, expressing the pride of a "Beer Masterpiece" created by the hands and minds of Vietnamese people.
In its new look, the hops symbol also reminds us of the top quality created from the noble Saaz hops that bring the famous Kettle Hops flavor, worthy of the masterpiece of Truc Bach Beer. The mountain peak symbol is the embodiment of the desire to conquer the peak, as a symbol that goes hand in hand with the success of the Vietnamese elite.
The new look of Truc Bach Beer with the main color tone being the original luxurious green, combined with the powerful gold strip symbolizing shining glory.
Truc Bach's new identity will be updated across the entire Habeco system, including the website, online sales channels, retail points, store systems, brand publications on product packaging and at all touch points, starting from October 2024.
“Keeping pace with the times, Truc Bach Beer is determined to maintain the identity of a timeless heritage, while constantly innovating to enhance the consumer experience. With excellent beer quality and a new, modern and trendy brand identity, Truc Bach Beer is not only the pride of domestic consumers but also contributes to elevating the Vietnamese “Beer Masterpiece” in the international market,” said a Habeco representative.
Dinh Son
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