Truong Khanh Linh (born 2000) is a freelance writer and multi-platform content creator in the field of learning.
Khanh Linh is the owner of the TikTok channel "Growth with Lily" and other social media channels with more than 100,000 followers. Linh is also the administrator of the community "DeepLife - Self-development through reading and writing" on Facebook.
Everyone can read, but not everyone has "reading skills"
According to Khanh Linh, reading skills must be practiced. Everyone can read, but not everyone has the skills to read. Through the process of reading, Linh has concluded that reading skills are a collection of 3 small skills: the skill of choosing books to read, the skill of active reading, and the skill of practicing what you read.
Khanh Linh believes that everyone has the ability to read but not everyone has the skills to read books.
Khanh Linh believes that every month, hundreds of books are released to the market, so choosing the book you need will depend on your own needs. Linh will go online to search for books about the issues you are interested in. Select 2-3 books that are always recommended on the first websites and read reviews about those books. Find a sample copy, read the table of contents to know which book's content will be necessary for you, then make the final choice. In addition, Khanh Linh also has additional criteria about the year of publication, author... when choosing books.
“There are many people who, when reading a book, just hold the book and sit down to read, which is an ineffective reading method. Because they are reading passively, they are simply receiving information from the book without responding to the pages,” Khanh Linh said.
The girl has read 2,000 books.
When reading, Linh often prepares highlighters, pencils, and notepads to mark the content that she finds interesting, take notes of ideas in her head, and always ask questions. "Make reading more interesting by adding color and writing down what you think. Every time you read actively like that, your brain will remember it for a long time," Khanh Linh shared.
Khanh Linh believes that reading a lot is not as important as knowing what is right and can be applied to life. Reading only stimulates awareness, when you read, you find it interesting, but whether you can practice it or not is important. Because there are some things in the book that will be true for others but not necessarily true for you, the core issue is to practice yourself, ask yourself questions, know how to think critically and come up with solutions and choices that are suitable for you.
How to Read 100 Books in a Year
Every day, no matter how busy she is, Linh will spend at least 30 minutes reading books, always carrying books in her backpack and ebooks in her phone. "People often think that to read hundreds of books, there must be some secret, but no, I just do small things but with discipline, regularly and maintain my habits," Linh confided.
Khanh Linh shared that some people say they don't have time to read books while the reality is that if they just stop scrolling on their phones for 5 minutes, they can read a page of a book. Nowadays, audiobook applications on phones are also very developed, the problem is not not having time but whether you want to do it or not. "If you want to, you will find a way, if you don't want to, you will find an excuse," Linh emphasized.
"Just by stopping scrolling on the phone for 5 minutes, that person can read a page of a book," Linh said.
“If you don’t have time to read paper books, you can listen to audiobooks or read ebooks on your phone. I take advantage of my free time to read, such as while waiting for coffee, during my lunch break at work, or listening to audiobooks while working out at the gym… and I realize that everyone always has 30 minutes to read every day,” Khanh Linh confided.
Besides, Linh said that she has the ability to read many genres of books such as literature, psychology, self-help, specialized books..., because if she only reads one favorite genre, Linh will not be able to have a diverse, multi-dimensional perspective in all fields. In addition, the time spent reading books for each genre is also different.
Linh said she usually reads specialized books, books with a lot of difficult information in the morning because that is when she concentrates best. In the afternoon, when she is tired and loses focus, Linh will switch to reading novels and literature, which are genres with plots and characters so the brain does not need to work too hard to think.
If I have a lot of time to read, I will divide my time to read 3 different books, so that I don't get bored or sleepy. For example, when I have 1 hour and 30 minutes to read, I will spend each 30 minutes reading about literature, psychology and habits.
Khanh Linh asked herself: “In an era of technological development, distractions have become more sophisticated and have significant impacts on people’s concentration. So how can we keep ourselves focused on reading and studying when there are so many distractions?”
“Every time you pick up your phone, try stopping and asking yourself what you are looking for? Reading a book or surfing the phone, which is better and more beneficial in the long run? When you ask yourself these questions, you will be motivated to read and study. These are actions that will bring you long-term joy, instead of chasing after short-term pleasures like surfing social networks,” Linh confided.
As a content creator on social media, Khanh Linh always wants to bring motivation to help others learn and develop themselves. “The happiness of a writer like me is to be able to indirectly influence someone and help them change their life. Books are something that brings long-term value, so I hope to inspire others to practice reading and have the habit of reading,” Linh shared.
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