A man named Uziel Martínez, from Baja California, Mexico, recounted how his girlfriend dumped him a few weeks after he donated his kidney to her mother.
Uziel Martínez is a teacher. He gave up the chance to study at the world-famous Harvard University just to be near his girlfriend.
The two had a close bond. So when he heard that his girlfriend's mother was sick and needed a kidney donation, he did not hesitate to make the decision. His action saved his girlfriend's mother's life.
I thought after all, the two would have a perfect love until old age but no... After more than 1 month of donating his kidney, he was dumped by his girlfriend. Even more bitterly, she married another man.
Even though he donated a kidney to save his girlfriend's mother's life, this guy was still "dumped" in pain.
The story, after being posted on TikTok, received 14 million views and became a hot topic of discussion in Mexico. Many people praised him for his brave actions and criticized his ungrateful girlfriend.
However, Uziel Martínez also shared that he has no grudge against his ex-girlfriend. He is doing well and he thinks she is doing well too. He thanks everyone for their concern.
Some people even humorously advised Uziel Martínez not to take such a risk next time. In reality, Uziel Martínez could only do it once, not twice. He also had to keep one of his kidneys for himself.
"She lost a great man. Don't be sad. You will definitely meet a good girl who will love you much more," commented a netizen.
Know the types of women you should stay away from
Easy to change
These are the girls who are experts in conquering men. She is skillful and easy to please, so winning a man's heart is a piece of cake. However, with her fickle nature, she can easily say goodbye to you to pursue another partner.
The sole purpose of this type of woman is to "conquer for the sake of conquering", so any man in their "sights" will be a "victim" instead of mistakenly thinking that he is "lucky".
Men believe that when you love someone, you can make them change. The truth is not necessarily so, on the contrary, they can make you suffer and lose a lot. Illustration photo
often lie
Most men hate lying in women, this makes them lose trust and disappointed. Men always want to find a girlfriend who is honest and trustworthy, not someone who lies like a rock and seems "good" in front of people. Try to be honest to gain his trust.
Good acting
Many girls are very neat, tidy, and polite when they go out, but at home they are sloppy, lazy, and disrespectful to their elders... No matter how good they are at acting, their true nature will eventually be revealed. And when that happens, he will be extremely disappointed in you. Live honestly, no need to be fake.
Value money
Money is an indispensable condition in married life. However, if a woman values money too much, it is a problem that needs to be considered. Because of the importance of money, at some point she will value money more than you. Therefore, you cannot be happy with this type of woman.
Mining specialist
In love, women are afraid of falling in love with a flirtatious guy, while men are most afraid of gold diggers, girls who only love for money. Therefore, men always wonder: Does she really love me or does she love my money?
It's not hard to recognize gold-digging girls: She compliments your expensive watch, asks what car you drive, what job you do, where you live... she always uses expensive things, suggests taking you shopping, always asks about your finances and income, respects the rich, despises the poor, is happy when you give her gifts...
Source: https://giadinh.suckhoedoisong.vn/bi-da-phu-phang-sau-khi-hien-than-cuu-me-ban-gai-dieu-cay-dang-hon-con-o-phia-sau-172240627113300259.htm
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