1. The thrilling details of UFO sightings in human history make the public really curious. A typical example is the incident that happened at Mount Rainier, Washington, USA on June 24, 1947. At that time, pilot Kenneth Arnold claimed to have seen 9 unidentified objects "flying as fast as a saucer across the water". |
According to pilot Kenneth Arnold, this flying object was traveling at a speed of about 1,930 km/h. Because pilot Kenneth Arnold's plane could not reach such a speed, it could not catch up with the strange object . |
2. In 1975, a world-famous UFO incident was recorded in the Southern Manitoba area of Canada. Hundreds of local residents reported seeing a strange object emitting a red-orange light. |
This mysterious object appeared in the sky on many evenings for several consecutive months. People affectionately nicknamed the flying objects suspected to be UFOs as Charlie Redstar. |
This incident has many people wondering whether aliens have a secret base in the Southern Manitoba area. |
3. In 1981, Renato Nicolaï witnessed the appearance of a UFO while working on a farm in France. He said he heard strange noises. |
While searching for the source of the strange sound, Mr. Nicolaï suddenly saw a UFO take off and quickly disappear from sight. After the UFO left, he discovered scorch marks on the ground - where the unidentified flying object had landed. |
Therefore, Mr. Nicolaï informed the authorities about the strange incident. Accordingly, a special French UFO hunting team called GEIPAN went to the scene to investigate and verify the incident. |
GEIPAN's investigation results show that the UFO landing site that Mr. Nicolaï saw was heated to a temperature of more than 260 degrees Celsius. However, they cannot confirm that the scorch marks on the ground are actually related to aliens because they have not found specific evidence. |
Dear readers, please watch more videos: 20,000 people disappeared in the Alaska Triangle caused by UFOs?
Source: https://khoahocdoisong.vn/bi-an-ve-dau-vet-la-nghi-cua-ufo-tung-ghe-tham-trai-dat-post236152.html
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