With the nature of the profession being a special, heavy, and toxic type of labor, the Coal - Mineral industry has always paid special attention to taking care of the health, life, and improving the working conditions and environment of workers over the years.
The healthcare system of Vietnam National Coal and Mineral Industries Group is organized according to the industry's specific model, with 1 hospital and 59 medical departments belonging to the units in the Group; arranging enough construction site emergency stations, medical staff on duty at construction site emergency stations according to production shifts, with intermediate medical qualifications or higher, emergency treatment protocols are built and implemented in accordance with regulations; the rate of employees receiving periodic health check-ups is always over 95%/year.
Each year, 400-500 cases of occupational diseases are treated by lung lavage; attention is paid to monitoring the working environment and controlling, preventing and minimizing the effects of harmful factors in the working environment. Food supplies at the units ensure food safety. Every year, TKV spends over 1,400 billion VND on occupational safety and hygiene.
The Coal and Mineral Hospital was restructured from the Vinacomin Labor Health Center, an independent accounting unit of the Group. The hospital has one affiliated unit, the Mao Khe Regional Coal Health Center, operating under the model of a regional coal health center. The hospital is developing in the direction of modernization into a high-quality occupational disease treatment and medical examination facility of the Coal and Mineral industry.
The scale of hospital beds at the Coal - Mineral Hospital is 200 beds; at the Coal Medical Center in Mao Khe area, there are 300 beds, facilities and equipment meet the requirements in medical examination and treatment, meet the increasing demand for medical examination and treatment of the people and thousands of coal miners for occupational disease treatment, is a reliable address for health care for workers, officers and employees of TKV.
Hanoi Medical University Hospital has been approved by the Ministry of Health to deploy a satellite hospital network, in which Hanoi Medical University Hospital is the core hospital, supporting training and technology transfer to lower-level hospitals. Hanoi Medical University Hospital was selected by the Prime Minister as the leading unit to deploy a remote medical examination and treatment model with a number of satellite hospitals, helping to improve the quality of medical examination and treatment for patients.
Based on the development orientation and human resources of the Coal - Mineral Hospital and Hanoi Medical University Hospital, on December 11, 2024, the two hospitals signed a three-year Memorandum of Understanding for cooperation, from December 11, 2024 to December 31, 2027. The two sides agreed to cooperate and support comprehensive professional development, hospital management capacity, and grassroots healthcare according to the actual needs of the Coal - Mineral Hospital and the response capacity of Hanoi Medical University Hospital.
With the close and drastic direction of the leaders of the Vietnam National Coal - Mineral Industries Group, the leaders of the Board of Management of the Coal - Minerals Hospital; the leaders of Hanoi Medical University, especially the determination of the Board of Directors and the medical staff of the two hospitals, on January 2, 2025, the two sides agreed to sign a professional support contract to implement the organization of cardiovascular examination and treatment.
The Coal - Mineral Hospital has prepared the necessary facilities to organize examination, diagnosis and treatment. Hanoi Medical University Hospital has sent staff and doctors with professional capacity in the field of cardiology and some other specialties to coordinate with the Coal - Mineral Hospital to carry out examination, diagnosis and treatment for patients of the Coal - Mineral Hospital, supporting machinery and equipment for professional activities.
From February 26, 2025, the cardiovascular examination and treatment at the Coal - Mineral Hospital will be professionally responsible for the work of Hanoi Medical University Hospital.
Source: https://cand.com.vn/y-te/benh-vien-tkv-va-benh-vien-dai-hoc-y-ha-noi-khai-truong-phong-kham-tim-mach-chuyen-sau-i761047/
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