Contact information for organ and tissue donation registration at Can Tho Central General Hospital - Photo: BV
With the message "Giving is forever", Can Tho Central General Hospital has actively coordinated efforts to become a place to receive registration of wishes to donate tissues and organs for humanitarian purposes, for those who wish to register.
Registration is organized both in person and online, the hospital has become the first hospital in the Southwest region to open a registration point to receive tissues and organs.
According to the leader of Can Tho Central General Hospital, with the first successful kidney transplant at the hospital recently (April 25), Can Tho Central General Hospital has become the 26th kidney transplant center in Vietnam, initiating the development of organ transplant surgery in the Mekong Delta region.
Registration information includes: Close-up portrait photo or ID photo; citizen ID photo (2 sides); confirmation (signature) on the voluntary tissue and organ donation application after consultation.
In case individuals or organizations need to register to donate tissues and organs for humanitarian purposes after death, they can contact the Social Work Department of Can Tho Central General Hospital (315 Nguyen Van Linh, An Khanh Ward, Ninh Kieu District, Can Tho City) or room 222, 2nd floor, Examination Department (phone 0901215115). Online form, can register via
Organ and tissue donation is a noble, humane and meaningful act in society, helping to bring life to many patients in need of organ transplants. This is one of the most precious gifts that a person can give to another person regardless of their age or social status. Regardless of age, gender, ethnicity or religion, rich or poor, everyone is equal when signing the organ and tissue donation application.
A part of a registered person's tissue or organ can save the lives of many patients. This is a profound humanitarian meaning in the spirit of "Continuing hope - Sowing life".
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