Specialist Doctor Nguyen Hai Tam - Department of Neurosurgery - Spine, Nam Saigon International General Hospital said that brain tumor is a dangerous disease because the initial symptoms are often overlooked by patients or confused with common diseases.
"Many patients, when coming for examination, have serious symptoms such as severe headaches, memory loss, visual or movement disorders. At this point, the tumor has often grown large, causing serious effects on the brain," Dr. Tam warned.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), there are about 250,000 - 300,000 new cases of brain tumors worldwide each year. In Vietnam, statistics from the Ho Chi Minh City Oncology Hospital show that brain tumors account for about 2% of all cancers, but many cases have progressed to a difficult-to-control stage due to late detection.
Brain tumor is a dangerous disease because the initial symptoms are often ignored by patients.
Can brain tumors be cured? What factors affect the ability to treat them?
Dr. Tam said that benign brain tumors are slow growing and less invasive. Therefore, if the disease is detected early, it can be completely cured with a 10-year survival rate of 90% if there are no complications.
Meanwhile, malignant tumors spread rapidly, invading and destroying brain tissue, causing hemorrhage in the brain or metastasizing to other areas. Malignant tumors can usually only be treated to control symptoms and prolong life. The 5-year survival rate is only about 5-10%, even when patients receive aggressive treatment.
The ability to successfully treat a brain tumor can depend on a number of factors such as the type of tumor, the location of the tumor, the stage of the disease... Benign tumors are often easier to treat than malignant tumors. In terms of location, if the tumor is in an easily accessible area, it can be surgically removed, while tumors deep in or near important areas (such as the brain stem) are more difficult to intervene. If detected early, it increases the chance of curing the disease. In addition, choosing the appropriate treatment method is greatly influenced by the age, underlying disease and health status of the patient.
Some notes to prevent brain tumors?
Dr. Tam said that although it is impossible to completely prevent brain tumors due to genetic factors or mutations, the following measures can help reduce the risk of brain tumors.
Limit exposure to ionizing radiation: Avoid unnecessary X-rays or CT scans unless prescribed by a doctor.
Avoid toxic chemicals : Reduce exposure to carcinogens such as those found in gasoline, paint, pesticides, or building materials. People working in industrial environments should wear masks and protective gloves.
Scientific diet : Supplement foods rich in antioxidants such as blueberries, strawberries; green leafy vegetables (spinach, kale); fatty fish (salmon, mackerel) containing omega-3, vitamin D. Limit processed foods such as sausages or smoked meats.
Foods rich in antioxidants should be added to the diet.
Exercise regularly : Maintain 30-45 minutes of exercise every day with activities such as brisk walking, cycling, yoga to increase blood circulation to the brain, reduce inflammation and improve immunity.
Stress management : Chronic stress weakens the nervous system, which can indirectly facilitate the development of abnormal cells. Practice deep breathing, get enough sleep 7-8 hours/day and work moderately to reduce pressure and stress.
Regular health check-ups : People over 40 years old, especially those with a family history of brain tumors or cancer, should have annual health screenings to detect abnormalities early. Limit alcohol and tobacco. Although not directly causing brain tumors, excessive use of alcohol and tobacco increases the risk of brain cell damage.
"When experiencing symptoms of prolonged headache, nausea, convulsions, weakness in limbs, changes in vision or hearing, patients should quickly visit a neurologist and perform an MRI or CT scan of the brain if indicated to accurately diagnose the condition, from which appropriate and timely treatment methods can be selected," Dr. Tam recommended.
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