On July 15, Belarus' Charge d'Affaires to the United States Pavel Shidlovsky said that Minsk still considers Washington an important global partner and wants to have a constructive bilateral relationship.
Belarus Charge d'Affaires to the US Pavel Shidlovsky. (Source: Belta) |
“Our relations are currently in a frozen state. It is not our fault, the administration of US President Joe Biden avoids contact and any dialogue with us. The dialogue is extremely limited,” Shidlovsky was quoted as saying by Belarusian news agency Belta .
The Belarusian diplomat said he saw some prospects for cooperation and that Minsk was ready "for normal, constructive interaction based on mutually beneficial cooperation" with Washington.
“We need to establish substantive dialogue. Unfortunately, Washington does not want to engage in such contacts, forcing us to meet demands that are inherently impossible. That is why the relationship is in such a state,” he stressed.
He also affirmed that Belarus has the political will to facilitate relations because the country has always considered the US an "important and promising partner".
Belarus, a long-standing traditional ally of Russia, has been hit with numerous sanctions from the US and the European Union (EU), especially during the conflict in Ukraine.
Minsk and Moscow have established the Union State of Russia and Belarus, which allows the two countries to respond quickly and effectively to unprecedented challenges and threats, to strengthen and protect common interests in the international arena.
In 2023, Minsk and Moscow signed an agreement to deploy tactical nuclear weapons on Belarusian territory. In June 2023, the first weapons systems were delivered to Belarus. By December 2023, the Belarusian government announced that the deployment of nuclear weapons had been completed.
In early May, Russia and Belarus began military exercises involving tactical nuclear weapons. Observers said the exercises were a warning signal to the West not to intervene further in the Ukraine issue, although Moscow stressed that the tactical nuclear weapons deployed to Belarus remained under the control of the Russian military.
Source: https://baoquocte.vn/belarus-muon-hoi-sinh-moi-quan-he-voi-my-278781.html
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