No surprise with CPP's overwhelming victory

According to preliminary results posted by reputable news sites in Cambodia, Prime Minister Hun Sen's CPP won 120/125 seats in the National Assembly, while the FUNCINPEC Party - a royalist party - won the remaining 5 seats.

Speaking to reporters after the election, NEC Chairman Prach Chan said preliminary figures showed voter turnout was 84.58 percent, or about 8.2 million out of a total of 9.7 million eligible voters.

Meanwhile, in the 2018 Cambodian election, the CPP received a total of 125 seats in the National Assembly. The voter turnout at that time was 83.02% out of a total of 8.38 million eligible voters.

Preliminary results show that the overwhelming victory of the CPP over its rivals in the 2023 Cambodian election is not a surprise, this is what has been predicted by domestic and foreign media agencies, experts, and especially by the majority of Cambodian people. Because it truly reflects the will and belief in the leadership of the CPP and this belief and hope has always been nurtured by the majority of Cambodian people for more than four decades.

A resounding victory for the CPP can also be seen as a strong endorsement of the message from the top leaders of the CPP. Prime Minister Hun Sen, Chairman of the CPP, during his election campaign sent out the message that, “Voting for the CPP is voting for peace, democracy, development, complete national independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity. Voting for the CPP is voting for yourself.” The Prime Minister also strongly affirmed that if the CPP wins the election, the Cambodian people will be the winners.

Or the affirmation of General Hun Manet - the CPP's candidate for future Prime Minister of Cambodia, "CPP has enough capacity to lead the country, especially to maintain political stability, bring peace and prosperity to the people; meet all the needs of progress and development in all areas of Cambodia", "CPP's policies and development path for Cambodia are always planned, with a clear strategic vision; always put the mission of serving the people above all", also received attention and trust from Cambodian voters.

According to preliminary results, Prime Minister Hun Sen's CPP won an overwhelming victory in the 2023 Cambodian election. Photo: Freshnews.

Victory from the "people-centered" approach

With the preliminary results of the 2023 Cambodian election yesterday (July 23), the CPP is very confident in facing the historic opportunity to continue leading Cambodia during the 7th National Assembly term.

So the question is, what is the key factor that helps the CPP succeed, always gain the support, trust, and aspirations of the Cambodian people, helping the CPP maintain its leadership position in the country for many decades?

The answer is difficult to list all the causes, factors, and circumstances that affect this question. However, one thing is certain: the success of the CPP cannot be without mentioning the core policies and guidelines that are aimed at the people, considering the Cambodian people as the center, protecting the interests of the people, and the harmonious interests of the nation.

Over the past 44 years and many more to come, if the CPP continues to be trusted by the Cambodian people, the Government under the leadership of the CPP will always be absolutely loyal to the 3 core goals, revolving around the interests of the people. In the simplest and most understandable language as the message from General Hun Manet, the 3 core goals are: “Life, stomach and face”.

“Life”, he explained, for the life and survival of the nation, the CPP was determined to liberate the Cambodian people from the brutal genocidal regime of the Khmer Rouge, unite towards national reconciliation, paving the way for revival, peace and stability.

“Stomach” here means that the people enjoy a prosperous and happy life, and are taken care of in all aspects of life. General Hun Manet especially emphasized the concern for people’s livelihoods through government support in social issues, education, living conditions and public health care services.

Meanwhile, “face” implies granting rights and freedom to the people, striving for prosperous economic development; Cambodia’s honor and reputation are increasingly consolidated and enhanced in the international arena...

History has also proven that over the past decades, the CPP has always been steadfast in its policy of protecting peace, stability, security, social order, the peaceful life of the people, developing the economy and society, and strengthening democracy; people's rights are respected, protected and promoted; the economic, social, cultural, educational, health, employment and many other fields have received increasing attention and proper investment; people's lives have been constantly improved.

And the Covid-19 outbreak is the clearest proof, an affirmation that all policies, guidelines, and core principles of the CPP always revolve around the interests of the people. The Cambodian government under the leadership of the CPP has succeeded in the fight against the deadly pandemic, saving people's lives, maintaining livelihoods and balancing the economy. Bringing the country's economy to a rapid recovery after the Covid-19 pandemic and is showing signs of growth again.

The 2023 Cambodian election took place with a scenario that was not beyond the predictions of many people before, Cambodian voters voted to choose the political party that they had the most affection for and the most trust in. And now, what voters and Cambodian people are most looking forward to is to see how capable leaders with strategic vision, representatives of the will and aspirations of the people fulfill their promises to voters and to all Cambodian people!

With the trust of the people and the great achievements gained over the past 44 years, the CPP will certainly continue to move forward on its glorious path, continue its proud history, and fulfill its promise to voters to make Cambodia a prosperous country in the region and the world, and for the Cambodian people to enjoy a peaceful and happy life.


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