To serve the enrollment work, universities proactively analyze the learning outcomes of students according to each enrollment method. This is considered an important criterion affecting the adjustment of the enrollment methods of the schools. In the context that this year some schools do not use academic transcript scores for enrollment, the learning outcomes of students admitted by this method are of interest to many people.
According to the regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training, universities have the right to take the initiative in choosing the admission method that suits their school's characteristics. Regardless of the method of admission, students study the same program and are evaluated in the same way. Statistics from schools show that different admission methods will have certain differences in the university learning outcomes of students.
Candidates apply for university admission with high school transcripts
Many universities have conducted statistics to analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of the admission method based on high school transcripts. On that basis, the school has made adjustments to the way of calculating scores for this method.
For example, Nha Trang University used the high school transcript admission method in 2017 and 2018. After 2 years of implementation, the school's statistics showed that up to 20% of students (equivalent to more than 1,000 students) were classified as poor. These students dropped out or were forced to drop out due to poor academic results in the first 1-2 semesters.
Associate Professor, Dr. To Van Phuong, Head of Training Department of Nha Trang University, said that one of the main and primary reasons for the high rate of weak students being expelled from school is because the school uses the method of considering by academic records, especially only considering the combined scores of 3 subjects of the 12th grade results. Among them, there are students who are considered for admission by the combined scores of 3 subjects with 25 points but the corresponding high school graduation exam score is only 8-10 points (ie the difference is up to 17 points). The learning results of these students after the first 2 semesters at the university are only average.
After the evaluation results, Nha Trang University stopped considering transcripts for 1 year, then returned to using this method but in a new way: using the scores of 4 subjects throughout 6 semesters of high school along with the English requirement score in some majors. Associate Professor Phuong said that with this adjustment, the school still uses the transcript review method but with a more comprehensive evaluation.
Recently, Ho Chi Minh City University of Industry and Trade announced the statistics of graduation classification results of students according to the admission method from 2019 - 2023. Accordingly, the admission method based on high school graduation exam scores has the rate of excellent students reaching 0.21%; excellent 6.56%; good 69.24% and average 23.98%. Meanwhile, this rate in the admission method based on high school transcripts includes: excellent 0.24%; excellent 5.44%; good 65.12% and average 29.2%.
From the above statistics, Master Pham Thai Son, Director of the Admissions and Communications Center of Ho Chi Minh City University of Industry and Trade, stated that the learning outcomes of students assessed by the high school graduation exam scores method have a similar rate to students admitted by considering their academic records. In particular, students graduating in 2022 and 2023 have a higher level of equivalence in terms of ranking between the two methods.
Master Son acknowledged: "This is evidence that the admission results based on high school transcripts are similar to those based on high school graduation exam scores at Ho Chi Minh City University of Industry and Trade". However, according to Master Son, the above results may be different from other schools. On the one hand, it is due to the specific scoring method of the transcript review method and the standard score level of each major. On the other hand, in addition to the input admission factor, the learning outcomes of students also depend on the training process at that school.
Mr. Son said that the school's high school transcript review results each year are based on the students' first five semesters of high school, with the benchmark score ranging from 22 to 27; the benchmark score for the high school graduation exam ranges from 18 to 25.
Based on the above data, Master Son said that one of the school's expected admission methods from 2025 is still to consider high school transcripts, with the quota rate possibly reduced to 20%. However, the school will carefully study before introducing subjects using this admission method to suit the 2018 General Education Program.
Candidates complete admission procedures after being admitted.
Meanwhile, the statistical results of Ho Chi Minh City University of Technical Education with more than 5,000 students admitted in 2017 and nearly 6,000 students admitted in 2018 show differences.
Statistics on the first two years of study of students enrolled in 2017 show that the rate of good or better academic performance by considering transcripts is the lowest among the methods. Students admitted by the results of the national high school exam (now the high school graduation exam) have the highest rate of poor performance among the methods, but the number of students continuing to study in the second year accounts for 90.8% compared to the first year, meaning the dropout rate is nearly 10%.
For the 2018 class, the percentage of students achieving good, excellent and excellent grades based on the transcript method is higher than the exam results. Moreover, the percentage of students who are considered weak based on the transcript method is also lower than that of students based on exam scores. The reason given by the school is that the benchmark score for this class is quite high.
In 2024, Ho Chi Minh City University of Culture plans to reserve about 60% of its enrollment quota for considering transcripts. Master Nguyen Thanh Tung, Head of the Training Department of this school, said that from monitoring the learning process of students using various methods, the school still decided to maintain the admission method based on transcripts because the school evaluates students based on their academic results of 6 semesters of high school.
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