1. On his personal Facebook page, a retired cadre in the South suddenly posted an article expressing his indignation, making generalizations and loudly criticizing the lifestyle of some high-ranking cadres. The owner of this social network account said that good cadres are no longer around, so he has really lost faith in them. Having known him for a long time, we asked him why he made such generalizations. He was upset: "Nowadays, all cadres are like that. Those who were thought to be good and talented have also been "involved". So who can we trust, what can we trust?"
Disagreeing with that point of view, we argued and named a series of high-ranking officials who were honest, simple, and lived for the people. We said that corrupt and degenerate officials in today's society are not rare, but that is not all. They are just "bad apples spoiling the barrel". After much persuasion, he finally lowered his voice, but still added a sour sentence over the phone, roughly: In general, we cannot trust officials today!
Another story, when the press published an article about an example of a cadre who dared to think, to do, to take responsibility in the Central region, even though they did not know who that cadre was, and did not know the truth of the individual's achievements, many readers in the North still commented, expressing skepticism, even criticizing: "Gluing" and praising each other again. It is truly "the radio tells lies, the newspaper adds"...
Obviously, social psychology is really problematic. It is not only the psychology of ordinary people but also the way of thinking of many intellectuals, people with social positions, including those with responsibilities and duties to propagate and educate. To be fair, for a long time, the press and media have not paid adequate attention to the propaganda about good people - good deeds, exemplary cadres, typical examples, models...
The proof is when trying to search Google with the phrase "exemplary provincial and city officials"... the results are unbelievable: You can almost count on one hand the number of provincial and city officials, civil servants in central and local departments, ministries and branches that are written about as typical examples by the press.
In reality, it is not that there are no typical examples, but the people involved are afraid of being propagated, because of the fear of "the benefits do not outweigh the harm"... On the other hand, even the press agencies have not spent much time and effort to open special pages and columns praising and honoring typical examples, models, good things, and beauty in a systematic, regular, and effective manner. Because of that, in the flow of social information, social network information overwhelms official press information; negative information overwhelms positive information in an uncontrollable way.
Survey results at a number of press agencies show that articles about good things, beauty, good people and good deeds in recent times have received very little attention from readers, the number of shares and interactions is quite modest; the number of comments expressing negative attitudes and lack of faith is greater than the recognition and praise of typical characters.
Even for many years, press awards at many levels, sectors, and localities often give priority to works that deal with the fight against negativity, daring to expose the limitations and shortcomings of social life. Moreover, in the press and social networks today, people often talk about apathy and easily encounter crime news, negative stories, uncivilized behavior... Those things are dug up, spread indiscriminately, receiving support from the online community in a follow-up and follow-up manner; but there are too few people who share and support good examples, good deeds, and good ways of life.
2. Our ancestors taught us that "... losing faith is losing everything". People who do not believe in themselves, do not have faith in life, especially good things, will not know what to do, how to act. From there, they develop a depressed mentality, do not want to do good deeds, do not have the motivation to commit and contribute. When an individual does not have faith, he or she will not believe in his or her own qualities and abilities; will no longer be able to cope with difficulties and challenges, and will easily give up. Organizations, agencies, and localities with individuals who have lost faith will have stagnant work and internal disunity.
Because of the lack of faith in good people and the goodness of society, many individuals see this society in gray tones. Many people are born dissatisfied, self-conscious, and extremist. At that time, they compare this society with other societies, today's society with the society of the past... This poses a great risk of demanding regime change, demanding excessive democracy, and excessive freedom. In society, there are individuals who have lost faith like small smoldering fires, spreading day by day to form a large fire, giving rise to conflicts like "pandemic... lack of faith".
It is worth mentioning that hostile and reactionary forces always spread distorted arguments and make accusations about negative phenomena and individual violations, thereby directing public opinion to lose faith in the cadres, party members, and the Party's leadership, demanding a change in the regime.
In the era of "virtual society", taking advantage of the internet and social networks, hostile and destructive people create many "good examples" on the other side of the battle line, creating psychological warfare, creating widespread suspicion in society, mixing truth and falsehood, good and bad, making people confused and lose faith. General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong once affirmed: "If we do things that please the people, the people will believe and our regime will survive, our Party will survive. If we do something that goes against the people's will, losing faith means losing everything." That is the danger of all dangers, because losing faith means losing everything!
3. In fact, good people and good things always exist around us. The problem is that each person needs to calm down and look to discover it, because good people are never exposed, good things are sacred and noble, it is very difficult to fully appreciate their value. Good people are often modest, do not like to boast about their personal achievements, do not like to be honored or named in the media or newspapers. Kindness is sometimes just small gestures and words of encouragement, sometimes just passing by that we find it difficult to notice, for example, helping an elderly person cross the street, giving up a seat to a weak person on the bus... Don't think that good deeds have to be big and grand.
Nowadays, in the bustling life with cultural diversity, behavior... surely many people have encountered people and bad behaviors, and then sighed "society is mixed with good and bad, can't trust anyone". It is not natural that people are suspicious like that. Because sometimes, hypocrisy still exists in life and in many cases, it somewhat overwhelms the good and the beautiful, making it difficult for us to recognize the good in front of us. Especially, when people judge people through "virtual society" more than real society, verifying information becomes even more difficult.
Beauty and goodness still exist silently and quietly around us. Good people are those who care about others, are willing to contribute to the community, homeland and country. However, to discover good people and good deeds, so that "our whole nation is a beautiful flower forest", propaganda work is of special importance. Many media and press agencies still consider it a regular political task, and also an urgent task to multiply good beliefs in society. For example, at the People's Army Newspaper , with the responsibility of honoring and multiplying the qualities of Uncle Ho's soldiers and the noble values of truth, goodness and beauty in social life, for more than 14 consecutive years, the soldier newspaper has effectively maintained the Writing Contest "Simple but noble examples", discovering thousands of bright examples, studying and following Ho Chi Minh's ideology, morality and style, for cadres and the masses to reflect on, learn from and follow.
Thus, to overcome and control the "pandemic of... lack of trust" that is spreading widely, the urgent and long-term solution is still to pay attention to finding, honoring, and multiplying bright examples and beautiful actions in social life. This task requires the participation of the entire political system, and first of all, it is necessary to change the mindset and concept of recognizing, accepting, and praising the good, the beautiful, and the beautiful with the optimism and absolute trust of the entire social community.
TRAN CHIEN (According to qdnd.vn)
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