The Party admission ceremony took place in a solemn atmosphere, in accordance with the procedures prescribed by the Party Charter. At the ceremony, the Party Cell representative announced and the Thanh Nien Newspaper leader presented the Decision of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee of the Newspaper on admitting to the Party to comrade Phan Quoc Binh, working at the Hanoi Editorial Office of Thanh Nien Newspaper.
Thanh Nien Newspaper held a party admission ceremony at the Huynh Thuc Khang Journalism School Relic.
Speaking at the admission ceremony, comrade Phan Quoc Binh expressed his honor and pride to be in the ranks of the Party and to be the first party member to be admitted at the National Historical Site of Huynh Thuc Khang Journalism School. He promised to continue to strive in his work to become an official party member, contributing to the development of the Party Cell and Party Committee.
The National Historical Site of Huynh Thuc Khang Journalism School is not only a place to visit but has gradually become a place to organize Party activities, so that each cadre and party member can practice, cultivate and improve their moral qualities.
In his congratulatory speech and assignment of tasks to the new party members, the representative of the Thanh Nien Newspaper Party Committee emphasized: Becoming a member of the Communist Party of Vietnam is a great honor, but also a heavy task. Therefore, new party members need to continue to strive, grasp the Party's resolutions, clearly identify the requirements of the tasks to work with the Party Cell to seriously implement them and achieve good results.
Journalist Phan Huu Minh, former member of the Standing Committee and Head of the Inspection Committee of the Vietnam Journalists Association, introduced the national historical site of Huynh Thuc Khang Journalism School to delegates.
On this occasion, cadres and party members working at the Hanoi editorial office of Thanh Nien Newspaper visited and learned about the national historical site of Huynh Thuc Khang Journalism School.
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