This afternoon (May 31), at 1:00 p.m., the center of storm No. 1 was at about 20.7 degrees North latitude; 111.8 degrees East longitude, in the sea south of Guangdong province (China). The strongest wind near the center of the storm is level 8 (62-74 km/h), gusting to level 10; moving north at a speed of about 15-20 km/h.

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Path of storm number 1

This is the first storm in 2024, internationally named Maliksi, formed from a tropical depression in the East Sea. According to experts, the storm is unlikely to directly affect Vietnam.

Storm forecast (in the next 24 to 72 hours) :

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Tropical depression in the East Sea likely to strengthen into a storm The first tropical depression in 2024 in the East Sea is having strong winds of level 7, gusting to level 9 and may strengthen into a storm in the next 24 hours. Many places across the country have heavy rain.