GĐXH - Many people believe that retirement age plays a role in defining old age. However, studies have shown that perceptions of old age have changed.
In a new paper published in the journal Psychology and Aging, researchers from the United States and Germany analyzed data from the German Aging Survey.
The team analyzed data from over 14,000 people born between 1911 and 1974, spanning multiple generations, and they participated in eight surveys over a 25-year period when they were between the ages of 40 and 100.
One of the main questions on the surveys is "At what age would you consider someone to be elderly?".
When asked this question at age 65, people born in 1911 said old age began on average at age 71.
When this question was repeated to people born in 1956 at age 65 (in 2021), they said 74 years old.
This shows researchers that people tend to push back the age limit as they approach that age.
People always tend to push back the age limit as they approach that age. Illustration photo
"Life expectancy has increased, which may contribute to a later onset of old age. In addition, some aspects of health have improved over time. As a result, people who were previously considered old are now considered middle-aged," said Dr. Markus Wettstein, author of the study.
It is also believed that retirement age plays a role in determining old age. In Germany, the retirement age is expected to reach 67 by 2031, while in the United States, it is currently 66.
However, researchers also say perceptions of old age have changed due to increasing average life expectancy.
Gender also plays a role in determining perceptions of aging. For example, women tend to think that aging comes 2.5 years later than men.
Feeling lonely, having multiple chronic illnesses, health phobias and geographic location also contribute to attitudes towards aging.
Interesting facts about old age
Everyone is afraid of old age, forgetting that old age has its own positive values, only then can people fully appreciate its meaning.
The beginning of a new journey
Old age is the beginning of a "golden" period in human life, after rich life experiences.
"Old age is not just about sickness and disease, it is also about strength and the ability to survive, to overcome all the ups and downs and disappointments, challenges and diseases," says sociologist Maggie Kuhn.
As you age, you face illness, declining health, and many other life complications.
Old age will also bring certain changes in the body but that is not a reason to worry.
The human body's susceptibility to disease also depends on its immunity and resilience.
Every age has its own diseases, but if you have good health and a healthy lifestyle, you can still avoid diseases.
Many older people live healthier lives than younger people and are even healthier than younger people who live unscientifically.
Exercising properly, eating well and drinking enough water will help your body recover from the changes.
Age should not be a shackle on your feet, it gives you the experience to keep moving forward. Illustration photo
Getting old doesn't mean slowing down.
Older people are often advised to rest more and slow down.
However, a person's physical capacity does not depend entirely on age but also on his or her willpower.
Don't force yourself to sit still just because you've passed a certain age.
Age should not be a shackle on your feet, it gives you the experience to keep moving forward.
A study called the Longevity Project found that people who do what they love are the ones who live the longest.
The perfect time to start a new habit
American writer Groucho Marx said: "Age is not a special topic, because anyone can grow old. All you have to do is live fully in those years of life."
In fact, it's never too late to learn something new.
In old age - the age when many people feel they have time for themselves - should sit back and think about the things you missed out on during the previous months and years. Maybe they missed out on their own passions so old age is the right time to do it.
If you want, you can take an online course or participate in social activities, make friends...
You can join dance classes, cycling classes... with people of similar age. Studies show that, as people age, they tend to get along better.
Age is no longer afraid
American poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow extolled the value of old age with the saying: "Only at dusk does the sky become full of stars. That is something you cannot see in the daytime."
Being old does not mean you need to give up your activities just because some other old people cannot pursue it.
Be an example. Don't be afraid to challenge your body with exciting things. Remember, if your mind is up to the challenge, nothing can defeat you.
There are many secrets
Old age has its perks. First, you become good at what you did for many years. This is called crystallized intelligence, and it can be effective even when you are 65 or 70.
Source: https://giadinh.suckhoedoisong.vn/bao-nhieu-tuoi-ban-se-chinh-thuc-tro-thanh-nguoi-gia-cau-tra-loi-khien-ai-cung-bat-ngo-172241223152402538.htm
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