Digital technology is changing the world, and the field of journalism and media, a field that always responds sensitively to all changes in economic and social life, is no exception. Over the years, Nam Dinh Newspaper has determined that it needs to be a pioneer in this task to survive, position itself and affirm its role as an official, reliable and accurate source of information. Enhance the position and role of local Party newspapers worthy of the trust of the Party, government and people.
Nam Dinh Newspaper reporters study the application of modern technology to improve the quality of press photos. Photo: Nam Dinh Online Newspaper
Journalist Tran Van Anh - Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Nam Dinh Newspaper said, we all know that readers' information receiving habits are changing, from reading newspapers and watching traditional TV, now gradually shifting to reading newspapers and information through applications (apps) on mobile devices or on social networks Facebook, Zalo, Youtube, WhatsApp... How to digitally transform newspapers to retain readers, attract and increase advertising revenue is a problem for every press agency, especially electronic newspapers and local newspapers.
In recent years, implementing the digital transformation program of the province and the Information and Communications sector, Nam Dinh Newspaper has made many efforts. The newspaper has invested in the project of building an electronic newsroom, basically bringing the editorial activities to the digital environment. It has issued working regulations for reporters and editors; including regulations on the publishing process, the way to use words, and the time to complete news articles.
Instructing reporters on editorial operations such as receiving manuscripts, classifying and processing information, assigning editing steps; controlling information processing progress... are all done directly on the network environment, helping relevant departments control the responsibility of each information processing stage, which is also done on the network environment, "transparent" the responsibility of each stage, effectively contributing to management activities.
Along with equipping reporters with knowledge and new skills, the Editorial Board also innovated the interface of Nam Dinh Electronic Newspaper, with the criteria of serving readers to conveniently follow on all types of devices, with a friendly and simple interface. Thanks to that, the newspaper has had many press products applying technology to achieve the goals of propaganda, promotion, spreading positive information, attracting viewers such as: Longform, E-magazine, Infographic, video, Photo corner...
Nam Dinh Newspaper continuously improves the quality of press photos, graphic design, and TV news production on smartphones...
The multimedia press products of Nam Dinh Newspaper in recent times have helped readers receive information faster, more attractively, suitable for many readers, especially easy to spread with the support of technology and digital tools and utilities. Information is delivered faster, the processing of images, videos, music, fonts... is more attractive. These press products have been positively received by readers, shared on many platforms, so the speed and spread are faster and wider.
In particular, thanks to the new features of the interface, articles, image clips about investment projects, potential advantages, agricultural and industrial products are widely promoted to the public at home and abroad, contributing to enhancing the position of Nam Dinh goods and businesses.
With this innovation, Nam Dinh provincial leaders have recognized and appreciated the role of the press and media in applying the features of social networks. Through the provincial leaders' trips to promote investment in key economic zones, investors and fellow Nam Dinh people in all places expressed their excitement because they were regularly updated with new information of the province through Nam Dinh Newspaper as well as official information channels on social networks.
Thanks to the investment in human resources, technology, more in-depth information content, polished press photos, news breakthroughs, reportage, and video works of the newspaper have attracted more attention from readers. Also since the quality of press works has been improved over a long period of time, now when going to the field, reporters receive support from agencies and units, and have more sources of information. Individuals and organizations trust and openly share information at their base and locality.
Nam Dinh Newspaper's Facebook Fanpage posts a lot of interesting information, images and videos.
Journalist Tran Van Anh said, "To promote the results achieved in the coming time, the newspaper will continue to maintain and improve the quality of printed publications (almost published daily), continue to develop more products in the form of Longform, E-magazine, Infographic, video,... In its nearest roadmap, the newspaper will prioritize the development of Podcast, continue to improve the quality of electronic newspaper works applying technology products" .
It can be affirmed that over the years, the Editorial Board of Nam Dinh Newspaper has determined that digital transformation does not only start with technology but first of all with a change in mindset. From the Newspaper's leaders to each reporter in each department, they have changed their journalism mindset from traditional to modern, not afraid to learn, afraid to change to meet the requirements of building multimedia and multi-platform journalism products. All have contributed to building and promoting the Nam Dinh Newspaper brand with its inherent strengths.
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