What will the exam format be like?
Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Ha, Deputy Director of the Department of Quality Management (Ministry of Education and Training), said that the 2025 high school graduation exam is consistent with the 2018 general education program but also has legacy because students taking the exam this year only have 3 years of studying under the new program, the remaining 9 years studying the 2006 general education program.
Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Ha, Deputy Director of the Department of Quality Management (Ministry of Education and Training), information about the exam format in 2025
The new exam format will address a number of issues, including the need to balance reliability, even between different subjects. "We are actively researching and applying modern testing methods to avoid large deviations in scores between some subjects, such as some subjects in the natural sciences or social sciences," said Mr. Ha.
Regarding the test bank, Mr. Ha said that the leaders of the Ministry of Education and Training directed that one of the bank building models is to develop from the grassroots. In November, the Ministry held the first training session for about more than 3,000 teachers of all subjects of the 2025 high school graduation exam for 63 departments of education and training nationwide and a number of universities that participate heavily in the high school graduation exam. This training session was conducted by the Educational Testing Service of the United States (ETS).
More than 3,000 teachers will be the core force to help change the construction of the exam question bank.
Exam format illustration will be announced in Q4
Responding to the press's question about when the sample exam for the high school graduation exam from 2025 will be announced, Mr. Ha said that the sample exam for the new general education program should, in principle, be announced when students have to study until grade 12. "However, we know that this is very important and has a "guiding" effect on teachers' teaching and students' learning," Mr. Ha said, adding that the leaders of the Ministry of Education and Training decided that immediately after testing the format and structure of the exam, they would announce the sample format and structure, but it would be modeled after the 2025 exam structure, although the materials and content could be used for grades 10 and 11.
"Looking at that illustration, we will know what the new assessment method will be like, which competencies need attention and how much content. It is expected that the format and structure of that illustration will be announced in the fourth quarter of this year," said Mr. Ha.
As Thanh Nien reported, on November 28, the Minister of Education and Training signed Decision No. 4068/QD-BGDDT approving the plan to organize the exam and consider recognizing high school graduation from 2025. Accordingly, the Ministry of Education and Training finalized the plan for high school graduation exams in 4 subjects, including 2 compulsory subjects and 2 subjects that candidates can choose.
Specifically, candidates will take compulsory exams in literature, mathematics and 2 elective subjects from the remaining subjects studied in grade 12 (foreign language, history, physics, chemistry, biology, geography, economic and legal education, information technology, technology). Literature will be tested in essay form; the remaining subjects will be tested in multiple choice form.
From 2025, high school students will take 2 compulsory subjects and 2 elective subjects for their graduation exam.
The content of the high school graduation exam from 2025 will closely follow the goals of the 2018 General Education Program. The exam questions will focus on enhancing capacity assessment, in accordance with the regulations and roadmap for implementing the new program.
The exam is organized nationwide, with the same questions, same sessions, and same time according to regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training.
In the 2025 - 2030 period, maintain the paper-based exam method.
After 2030, computer-based exams will be gradually piloted for multiple-choice subjects in localities with sufficient conditions (a combination of paper-based and computer-based exams can be implemented). When all localities nationwide have sufficient conditions, they will switch to organizing high school graduation exams on computers for multiple-choice subjects.
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