1. Purpose and requirements
Recruit qualified people, with professional title standards, in the right number, meeting the requirements of the job position, ensuring the staffing quota assigned by the Ho Chi Minh City People's Committee to the Northwest Urban Development Area Management Board; ensuring fairness, publicity, objectivity, transparency and compliance with the provisions of law.
2. Scope and number of employees to be recruited
2.1. Recruitment scope :
Recruiting specialized and general staff to work in specialized and professional departments, including: Office, Infrastructure-Technical Management Department, Construction-Project Management Department, Finance-Accounting Department, Planning-Investment Department, Service Department.
2.2. Job positions and recruitment targets
By job position and by expertise: 15 people ; specifically:
+ Office : 02 positions (including 01 general office specialist, 01 IT specialist);
+ Service department : 02 (including 01 planning architect, 01 surveying and measuring engineer);
+ Planning and Investment Department : 02 positions (general staff)
+ Finance-Accounting Department : 03 positions (including 01 general accountant, 01 investment accountant, 01 accounts receivable and tax accountant);
+ Infrastructure Management - Engineering Department : 04 positions (including 02 architects, 01 civil engineer, 01 bridge and road engineer);
+ Construction and Project Management Department : 02 positions (2 civil and industrial construction engineers);
3. Conditions and standards for registration
3.1. Conditions for registration to apply for civil servant recruitment
a/ People who meet the following conditions regardless of ethnicity, gender, social status, belief, or religion can register to apply for civil service recruitment.
- Have Vietnamese nationality and reside in Vietnam; have full civil act capacity;
- 18 years of age or older and of legal working age;
- Have an application form (according to the attached form);
- Have clear background;
- Have a diploma or training certificate appropriate to the job requirements;
- Be physically fit to perform the job or duties;
- Meet other requirements of the position applied for.
b/ The following people are not allowed to register for civil servant recruitment:
- Loss of civil capacity or limited civil capacity;
- Being prosecuted for criminal liability; serving a criminal sentence or decision of the Court; being subject to administrative measures such as being sent to a compulsory medical treatment facility, compulsory drug rehabilitation facility, compulsory education facility, or to a reformatory school.
3.2. Standards on qualifications and professional expertise
a) General staff
- Graduated from university majoring in construction, transportation, engineering, environment, mechanics, electronics, architecture, construction economics, infrastructure... suitable for the assigned field;
- Have a construction practice certificate and other relevant certificates according to the profession in charge;
- Understand regulations on project management, construction quality management, financial policies, state regulations on financial accounting, capital management;
- University degree in law, economics, finance, administration, state management, business administration, human resource management;
- Have skills to synthesize and analyze work;
- Ability to communicate and coordinate;
- Have text editing skills;
- English proficiency: level B or equivalent to educational level;
- Office informatics and specialized techniques;
- State Management knowledge level: Specialist or equivalent;
- Make estimates and use estimate software, use MS Project software;
- Diligent, honest.
b) Clerical and archival staff
Have a college degree or higher in the field or major of administrative secretarial, secretarial-archiving, storage, archiving and information management. In case of having a college degree or higher in another field, must have a certificate of training in secretarial skills issued by a competent training institution.
c) Information technology staff
Have a college degree or higher in information technology, network administration or related fields of information technology training.
d) Office administrator
- University degree in law, economics, finance, administration, state management, business administration, human resource management;
- Have skills in research, information synthesis, analysis, evaluation, and work planning;
- Have basic knowledge of project management and state management;
- Have good communication and situation handling skills;
* Note: Candidates can only submit an application for 01 recruitment position. In case the candidate wishes to apply for more than 01 recruitment position, he/she must clearly state the 2nd wish in the application and meet the criteria of the job position corresponding to the recruitment position. The recruitment council will report to the leader for consideration to arrange the job if the candidate is selected.
After being recruited as a civil servant, the successful candidate must supplement the training certificate according to the professional title standards during the probationary period.
4. Recruitment methods, forms and content
4.1. Recruitment method
Recruitment of civil servants to work at the Northwest Urban Development Area Management Board is carried out through the selection process based on the results of the application form and the results of the interview and test. ( Applied according to Article 11, Decree No. 115/2020/ND-CP dated September 25, 2020 and Decree No. 85/2023/ND-CP dated December 7, 2023 of the Government amending and supplementing a number of articles of Decree No. 115/2020/ND-CP dated September 25, 2020 ).
4.2. Form, content, recruitment
Recruitment of civil servants is conducted in 2 rounds as follows:
* Round 1 : Check the application conditions on the Application Form according to the requirements of the job position to be recruited. If the requirements are met, the applicant will be allowed to participate in round 2.
* Round 2 : Test and assessment of specialized professional subjects
a) Exam format: Oral or practical or written.
In case of choosing the written test format, you can choose one of three formats: Multiple choice or essay or multiple choice combined with essay.
b) Exam content: Test knowledge and professional skills of candidates according to the requirements of the job position to be recruited.
c) Exam time: 30 minutes for oral exam (candidates have no more than 15 minutes to prepare, not included in exam time); 60 minutes for writing (not including time for copying questions); practical exam time is decided by the head of the competent recruitment agency based on the nature and characteristics of the professional activities of the job position to be recruited.
d) Scoring scale: 100 points . (for oral or practical or written)
5. Priority mode
5.1. Subjects and priority points in admission
- Armed Forces Hero, Labor Hero, war invalids, people enjoying policies like war invalids, war invalids of type B: 7.5 points added to the results of round 2.
- Ethnic minorities, military officers, police officers, demobilized professional soldiers, people working in specialized secretarial work, graduates of reserve officer training (graduates of training as commanders of commune-level military commands in the basic military sector who are awarded the rank of reserve officer and have registered for the reserve officer category), children of martyrs, children of wounded soldiers, children of sick soldiers, children of people enjoying policies like wounded soldiers, children of type B wounded soldiers, biological children of resistance fighters infected with toxic chemicals, children of Armed Forces Heroes, children of Labor Heroes: 5 points will be added to the results of round 2.
- People who have completed military service, public security service, or youth volunteer team members: 2.5 points will be added to the round 2 score.
- Union officials who grew up at the grassroots level, in the workers' movement: 1.5 points will be added to the results of round 2.
5.2. Handling cases where candidates have multiple priority categories
In case the candidate belongs to many priority categories specified in Clause 1, Section 5 of this Notice, only the highest priority point will be added to the 8-point result of round 2.
5.3. Other cases
In case the candidate is working or has temporarily terminated the labor contract at other units but has not paid the one-time social insurance regime and fully meets the standards of the job position to be recruited, he/she will be given priority for recruitment consideration according to current regulations.
6. Time and place for receiving application forms
6.1. Recruitment announcement time
This notice is publicly posted on the electronic Saigon Giai Phong Newspaper at www.sggp.org.vn from March 4, 2024 to March 8, 2024 and publicly posted at the Headquarters of the Northwest Urban Development Area Management Board: No. 404, Provincial Road 8, Mui Lon 2 Hamlet, Tan An Hoi Commune, Cu Chi District.
6.2. Application form; time and place for receiving application forms
* Application form
Candidates must fill out the Application Form according to Form No. 01 issued with Decree No. 115/2020/ND-CP dated September 25, 2020 of the Government.
Candidates can only register 01 main wish for a job position to be recruited. In case the candidate wishes to register for more than 01 job position, he/she must clearly state the 2nd wish in the application and meet the criteria of the job position corresponding to the recruitment position. After submitting the application, the candidate cannot change his/her wish.
Candidates submit the Application Form at the location where the Application Form is received or send it by post (the time of submission of the Application Form is calculated according to the postmark on the application envelope).
* Location to receive application forms
Department receiving application forms.
+ Submit directly or send by post: Northwest Urban Development Area Management Board - No. 404, Provincial Road 8, Mui Lon 2 Hamlet, Tan An Hoi Commune, Cu Chi District)
* Contact phone number: 028.3829.9330 (hotline: 0908.147.789-Mr. Loc)
* Email: [email protected]
* Time to receive application form
The time to receive the Application Form is 30 days from the date of public recruitment announcement on mass media, on the Electronic Information Portal of the Northwest Urban Development Area Management Board and publicly posted at the headquarters of the Northwest Urban Development Area Management Board .
* Note: Candidates for civil service recruitment must fully declare the required information in the Recruitment Registration Form and be responsible for the accuracy of the declared information and the legality of the diplomas and certificates. In case the candidate commits fraud in declaring the Recruitment Registration Form or uses diplomas, certificates, and certifications that are not in accordance with regulations to participate in the recruitment, the Northwest Urban Development Management Board will publicly announce on the Northwest Urban Development Management Board 's Electronic Information Portal and will not accept the Recruitment Registration Form in the next recruitment period.
7. Determine the successful candidate
7.1. Principles for determining successful candidates in the civil service recruitment exam
Determining the successful candidates in the civil servant recruitment exam is carried out according to Article 10, Decree No. 85/2023/ND-CP dated December 7, 2023 of the Government amending and supplementing a number of articles of Decree No. 115/2020/ND-CP dated September 25, 2020 regulating the recruitment, use and management of civil servants.
The determination of successful candidates is based on each job position to be recruited in Clause 2 and Clause 3 of this Notice. The Chairman of the Recruitment Council shall base on the final results to report to the Head of the Northwest Urban Development Area Management Board for consideration and decision on successful candidates.
In case the successful candidate commits fraud in declaring the Application Form or is discovered to use an incorrect diploma, certificate or certification to participate in the exam, the successful candidate's admission result will be canceled.
The Head of the Northwest Urban Development Area Management Board shall consider and decide on the admission of candidates whose recruitment results are immediately lower than the recruitment results. In case there are 02 or more candidates whose recruitment results are immediately lower but equal, the Head of the Northwest Urban Development Area Management Board shall consider and decide.
7.2 . In case a candidate registers for 02 wishes but is not accepted in wish 1, he/she will be considered in wish 2 if the job position registered in wish 2 still has recruitment quota after considering all wishes 1, including considering the wishes of the person with the next lower admission result according to the provisions of Clause 4, Article 18 - Decree No. 115/2020/ND-CP dated September 25, 2020.
7.3. Reserve recruitment results for the next recruitment period
Those who fail the civil servant recruitment exam will not have their results retained for future recruitment exams.
8. Recruitment organization sequence
8.1. Recruitment organization
* Round 1 organization
- No later than 05 working days from the date of completion of the examination of the conditions and standards of the candidates in round 1, the Recruitment Council must make a list and notify the candidates who are eligible to take part in the selection in round 2, and at the same time post it on the electronic information page or the Electronic Information Portal and publicly post it at the Headquarters of the Northwest Urban Development Area Management Board .
- No later than 5 working days from the date of completion of the examination of the conditions and standards of the candidates in round 1, a written notice must be sent to the applicants who do not meet the conditions and standards for the recruitment.
* Organize round 2
- Organize the exam no later than 15 working days from the date of notification of candidates attending round 2.
- After the end of round 2, the exam will be graded (in case of written exam) and the results and deadline for receiving appeals will be announced on the Electronic Information Portal of the Northwest Urban Development Area Management Board (appeals will not be applied to the interview form in round 2).
- In case of appeal, the organization will review and announce the results of the review for the candidates to know.
8.2. Announcement of civil servant recruitment results
After completing the second round of marking and re-marking (if any), the Recruitment Council reports to the Head of the Board (or Deputy Head in charge) for consideration and decision to recognize the recruitment results according to the regulations on decentralization of management of cadres, civil servants and public employees of the Ho Chi Minh City People's Committee.
After the decision to recognize the recruitment results is made, the Recruitment Council will publicly announce it on the Northwest Urban Development Management Board 's Electronic Information Portal and send a written notice of recognition of the recruitment results to the candidate at the address that the candidate has registered. The notice will clearly state the deadline for the successful candidate to come to the Northwest Urban Development Management Board's Headquarters to complete the recruitment application.
8.3. Complete the recruitment profile
Within 30 days from the date of receiving the notification of the selection results, the successful candidate must go to the Northwest Urban Development Area Management Board to complete the recruitment profile. The recruitment profile includes:
+ Copies of diplomas, transcripts, certificates as required by the job position, certificates of priority (if any), bring the original for comparison.
+ Criminal record certificate issued by competent authority.
In case the successful candidate does not complete the recruitment application as prescribed or commits fraud in declaring the Recruitment Registration Form or is discovered to use an incorrect diploma, certificate or certification to participate in the recruitment, the Northwest Urban Development Area Management Board shall issue a decision to cancel the recruitment result. Or if the recruited civil servant does not come to sign the employment contract and receive the job within the time limit specified in Clause 2, Article 18 of Decree No. 115/ND-CP, the Northwest Urban Development Area Management Board shall continue to organize the recruitment of additional civil servants.
9. Recruitment organization costs
- The cost of organizing the civil servant recruitment exam comes from the source of fees collected from candidates registering for the exam.
- The recruitment fee is implemented according to the provisions of Circular No. 92/2021/TT-BTC dated October 28, 2021 of the Ministry of Finance stipulating the collection rate, collection, payment, management and use of recruitment fees, examination fees for promotion and rank promotion of civil servants and public employees and current documents. The collection rate is 500,000 VND/candidate/time .
10. Implementation organization
The Office of the Board is the unit in charge of advising the Northwest Urban Development Area Management Board and the Civil Service Recruitment Council to organize the civil service recruitment exam, coordinate with relevant agencies to implement according to Plan No. 01/KH-BQL , dated January 25, 2024 on the recruitment of civil servants of the Northwest Urban Development Area Management Board.
During the implementation process, if there are any problems, units, organizations and individuals should report to the Northwest Urban Development Area Management Board (through the Office) for coordination to improve the recruitment of civil servants.
Contact phone number: (hotline: 0908.147.789 - Mr. Loc)
Email: [email protected]
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