General Secretary To Lam believes that in his new position, Mr. Le Hoai Trung and the leadership of the Party Central Office will excellently fulfill their tasks.
On the afternoon of February 7, in Hanoi, the Central Party Office held a conference to hand over the work duties of the Chief of the Central Party Office.
General Secretary To Lam attended and delivered a speech at the Conference.
General Secretary To Lam and Standing member of the Secretariat Tran Cam Tu presented flowers to congratulate Mr. Nguyen Duy Ngoc (second from left), Politburo member, Secretary of the Party Central Committee, Head of the Central Inspection Commission, former Chief of the Party Central Committee Office, and Mr. Le Hoai Trung (second from right), Secretary of the Party Central Committee, Chief of the Party Central Committee Office. Photo: VNA
Attending the event were Mr. Tran Cam Tu, Politburo member, Standing member of the Secretariat; Nguyen Duy Ngoc, Politburo member, Secretary of the Party Central Committee, Head of the Central Inspection Commission; Le Hoai Trung, Secretary of the Party Central Committee, Head of the Party Central Committee Office; members of the Party Central Committee, leaders of the Party Central Committee Office.
At the Conference, Politburo member, Central Committee Secretary, Chairman of the Central Inspection Commission Nguyen Duy Ngoc officially handed over the tasks of the Chief of the Party Central Office to Mr. Le Hoai Trung, Central Committee Secretary, Chief of the Party Central Office.
Speaking at the Conference, General Secretary To Lam emphasized that although Mr. Nguyen Duy Ngoc had held the position of Chief of the Party Central Office for a short time, he had promoted the tradition of the Party Central Office, united with the Office's leadership to successfully complete the assigned tasks, including many outstanding achievements. The 2024 work of the Politburo and the Secretariat was completed early with high quality, with a spirit of determination, enthusiasm, responsibility, initiative and creativity in advisory work being enhanced.
General Secretary To Lam gives instructions. Photo: VNA
The General Secretary stated that Mr. Le Hoai Trung is a capable and experienced cadre who has been trained, tested and challenged through many different leadership positions and working environments both domestically and internationally. The General Secretary believes that in his new position, Mr. Le Hoai Trung, together with the leadership of the Party Central Office, the team of cadres, civil servants, public employees and workers of the Party Central Office will excellently fulfill the assigned tasks.
The General Secretary noted that in the final year of the 13th National Party Congress, the entire Party, the entire people, and the entire political system are accelerating and striving to successfully implement the Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress. The entire political system is implementing the conclusions of the Central Committee, summarizing Resolution No. 18 on streamlining the organizational apparatus, and organizing Party Congresses at all levels towards the 14th National Party Congress. Therefore, the task of the Central Party Office is very important.
The General Secretary pointed out that it is necessary to focus on directing implementation and striving to build the Party Central Office into an exemplary agency of the Party in all areas of work; at the same time, it is recommended to continue to maintain solidarity and unity within the leadership of the Party Central Office and throughout the agency; maintain and accelerate the pace, progress, determination, initiative and creativity in staff work; focus on doing well the strategic staff work; and the work of monitoring, urging and ensuring the progress of important tasks of the Party.
Mr. Nguyen Duy Ngoc (left), Politburo member, Secretary of the Party Central Committee, Head of the Central Inspection Commission, former Chief of the Party Central Committee Office and Mr. Le Hoai Trung, Secretary of the Party Central Committee, Chief of the Party Central Committee Office signed the minutes of handover of tasks. Photo: VNA
The General Secretary requested to focus on building a team of cadres for the Central Party Office that is commensurate with the requirements, upgrading and raising the level of operations. Completing the organization and apparatus of the Central Party Office, but importantly, building a team of cadres that meets the requirements of the country's tasks in the current period.
The General Secretary emphasized that the Party Central Office is the standing agency of the Steering Committee for Resolution No. 57, the agency in charge of the Digital Transformation Project in the Party, so it is necessary to strengthen the application of science and technology for digital transformation in advisory work; must be a pioneer and exemplary leader in the application of science and technology for digital transformation, gradually shifting from traditional advisory to advisory based on automatically connected data to help lead, direct and operate on the basis of data.
The General Secretary believes that the cadres, civil servants, public employees, and workers of the Party Central Office, especially the Chief of the Party Central Office Le Hoai Trung, will continue to promote their strengths, dynamism, and creativity, together with the leadership of the Party Central Office, to maintain and promote the Central Party's tradition of "Absolute loyalty, solidarity, creativity, dedication, thoughtfulness, and upholding working principles".
The General Secretary hopes that Mr. Le Hoai Trung and the leaders of the Party Central Office will continue to strive to lead and direct the Party Central Office to successfully complete the tasks assigned by the Politburo and the Secretariat.
Speaking at the handover conference, Politburo member, Party Central Committee Secretary, and Chairman of the Central Inspection Commission Nguyen Duy Ngoc affirmed that he will continue to share and coordinate in work and believes that Mr. Le Hoai Trung will soon take over the work, and together with the leadership of the Party Central Office, continue to lead the agency to successfully complete its tasks in the new period.
Speaking at the Conference, expressing his joy and honor to be entrusted with the task at the Party Central Committee Office, Party Central Committee Secretary and Chief of the Party Central Committee Office Le Hoai Trung affirmed that he will actively study and research new issues, improve his capacity and make efforts in his work, together with the leaders, cadres, civil servants, public employees and workers of the Party Central Committee Office to maintain solidarity and unity; promote the tradition of "Absolute loyalty, solidarity, creativity, dedication, thoughtfulness, upholding working principles"; inherit the achievements and results that previous generations of leaders have built, under the leadership of the Party Central Committee, directly and regularly the Politburo, the Secretariat, the General Secretary and the Standing Secretariat.
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