Foot reflex zones with body parts - Illustration
Healing through the feet
Doctor Quach Tuan Vinh, Chairman of the Hoan Kiem Oriental Medicine Association, Hanoi, said that since ancient times, medicine has known how to treat diseases by rubbing, kneading, and pressing the acupressure points on the feet. People believe that the feet are the second "heart" of the human body. Each foot has about 7,000 nerve endings and there is a connection between the reflex areas on the feet and the organs of the body.
When an organ of the body shows signs of dysfunction or disease, the representative areas of that organ on the feet also have abnormal reactions such as pain when pressed or squeezed.
Foot reflexology is based on the yin-yang, five elements and meridian theory of traditional medicine.
This theory shows that each foot has 6 meridians of internal organs such as liver, spleen, kidney, gallbladder, stomach, bladder. Through the effect of regulating yin and yang, clearing the meridians... it has the effect of curing diseases.
Patient consultation - Illustration photo
How to recognize prostate fibroids and complications
According to Dr. Vinh, benign prostatic hyperplasia, also known as benign prostatic hyperplasia, is very common in men. At the age of 45 and above, about 50% of men have benign prostatic hyperplasia. This rate increases to 70% at the age of 70 and above and more than 90% at the age of 80 and above. Although the disease is benign, it also causes many complications.
When prostate fibroids compress the urethra, it will cause urinary disorders in patients with the following two characteristic syndromes:
- Urinary tract obstruction syndrome: The patient cannot urinate completely, urine remains in the bladder, so they have to strain, urinate intermittently, the urine stream is weak, or even not in a stream, dribbling, blocked urine, taking a long time to urinate, and even complete urinary retention.
- Irritation syndrome : Patients always feel the urge to urinate, cannot urinate completely, are prone to urinary incontinence, have a frequent need to urinate day and night,...
Prostate adenoma can cause complications:
Some patients with urinary retention have created conditions for bacteria to stagnate in the bladder, causing urinary tract infections and urinary tract stones.
More dangerously, the bacteria that cause infection can easily go up and cause pyelonephritis - a very serious urinary tract infection. If the urine retention is severe and prolonged due to prostate adenoma, it can even lead to chronic kidney failure.
Some cases develop into prostate cancer. If cancer is detected early, treatment is easy and the patient's prognosis is good. In cases where cancer is not detected early and has metastasized to other organs, the patient's prognosis is much worse.
Therefore, patients with prostate fibroids should have regular check-ups to detect early complications of the disease and have timely and effective treatment plans.
Some other diseases can be the consequences of prostate hyperplasia: Hemorrhoids, inguinal hernia, high blood pressure,...
Prostatic reflex zone - BSCC photo
Foot impact to cure prostate
When acting on reflex areas, it will create a reaction to regulate the function of the corresponding organs, improve blood circulation at the painful area and thereby promote the effectiveness of disease prevention and treatment. The process of action is divided into 3 stages.
- Soak or massage your feet: Soaking your feet in hot water before going to bed is a good habit. Soak your feet in a basin of warm water for 5-10 minutes. When mixing the water, you can add a little salt and a few drops of essential oil. The warmth and aroma of the essential oil will bring a feeling of comfort and ease.
- Impact on the affected area: This is the stage of impacting the whole body and determining the affected reflex areas. Use your thumb to gently massage slowly all over the sole of the foot.
When detecting one or more reflex areas with abnormal reactions such as sharp pain, numbness... you should gently massage those reflex areas, but not for too long or too hard as this can cause hematoma.
It is necessary to compare with the map of reflex areas on the foot to determine the corresponding diseased organ. If you have prostate fibroids, the corresponding kidney and bladder areas on the foot will have painful, numb, and hot reactions when you rub and press on them.
This is also the principle to help determine the positions that need to be impacted on the feet.
- Localized impact: Special attention should be paid to massaging the reflex areas corresponding to diseased organs detected through signs of pain and unusual sensation when pressing or kneading those reflex areas.
Whichever organ is sick, then act on the reflex area of that organ mainly. In addition, it is possible to act on areas that have the value of regulating the autonomic nervous system, which is valuable in increasing the effectiveness of treatment.
The process of rubbing and pressing the soles of the feet will bring a feeling of mental and physical relaxation, pain relief, and antispasmodic.
With the foot massage method, people have cured many diseases such as prostate adenoma, headache, nervous breakdown, depression, anxiety, asthma, stomach pain... and pain relief during surgery.
To treat prostate fibroids, massage the following reflex areas:
- The prostate is located in the middle of the segment from the inner ankle to the back of the heel, where it touches the ground, and is effective in treating prostate inflammation, fibroids...;
- Kidneys (located in the sole of the foot, lower end of the 2nd and 3rd metatarsal bones);
- Ureter (runs obliquely from the renal reflex zone to the medial edge of the scaphoid bone);
- Bladder (located just below the medial malleolus).
Press in order from the prostate reflex area, kidney to ureter, bladder. The patient sits cross-legged, uses the tip of the thumb to gently press for 1 minute on each reflex area, pressing on both sides.
Massage 1-2 times a day. Treatment lasts 10 days, rest for 3-5 days and can continue with a second massage session. The patient can lie down and use the heel of one foot to press on the other foot.
Clinical experience shows that acupressure on urinary reflex zones is effective in significantly improving urinary disorders.
Men aged 45 and over should go to a medical facility with a urology department to be examined for prostate adenoma (at least once), especially when they experience any of the symptoms of urinary disorders.
You should have regular check-ups twice a year to screen for prostate cancer. Monitor and evaluate the treatment results yourself to inform your doctor (treatment results can be understood as whether the patient's urination condition has improved or not).
It is necessary to pay attention to early detection of complications of the disease such as bladder stones, urinary tract infections, kidney failure, reduced kidney function...
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