VietNamNet newspaper quoted physician Bui Dac Sang - Oriental Medicine Association as saying that guava trees have many health benefits and have been used in Oriental medicine. People use young guava leaves, bark, roots, especially leaf buds as medicine. All these parts are washed and used fresh or dried for later use. The most typical effect of guava leaves is anti-inflammatory and anti-diarrheal activity.
Nutritional composition of guava leaves
According to modern medicine, guava leaves contain many nutrients and trace minerals that are good for the body.
Fresh guava leaves contain 82% water; 0.62% fat; 18.53% protein; 12.74% carbohydrates; 103mg vitamin C, 1,717mg gallic acid.
Amoi leaves contain many "golden" active ingredients for health such as:
- Flavonoids have strong antibacterial effects, quercetin helps relax the intestinal mucosa, prevents intestinal spasms, and fights diarrhea.
- Antioxidant Polysaccharides, good for diabetics.
- Polyphenolic, ferulic, caffeic and gallic acids are secondary metabolites with strong antioxidant and immunostimulatory activities.
Guava leaves are very good for health.
With the presence of many active ingredients above, guava leaves are used in medicines to control and stabilize blood pressure, prevent free radicals that cause memory loss, Alzheimer's disease, reduce atherosclerosis, prevent stroke, reduce cholesterol, and reduce blood sugar.
Guava leaves are used by many people to make tea and are effective in weight loss. Some studies have shown that the ingredients in this type of leaf reduce the process of starch intake and sugar metabolism in the body. People who want to lose weight can use guava leaves to make tea to help improve their figure. Squeezing guava leaves or blending them both have effects.
Guava leaves also contain astringents that protect oral health and reduce gum pain.
Common remedies from guava leaves
Health & Life Newspaper quoted BSCK2. Huynh Tan Vu as saying that guava leaves can be used to treat some common diseases such as:
- Treat diarrhea: Use a handful of young or old guava leaves, about 50g, and boil with two bowls of water. Boil like medicine, simmer over low heat for 15-30 minutes. Then let the water cool, extract the water and drink several times, a small cup each time (can add sugar).
- Shingles: Use 100g of young guava leaves, wash, 10g of alum, 1g of salt, put all in a mortar and pound, add a little water (can use this medicine to apply).
- Acute gastritis: 30g guava leaves, chopped and roasted with a pinch of rice, add boiling water and drink, twice a day.
- Enteritis, dysentery: 30-60g fresh guava leaves, decoct and drink.
- Injuries due to falling, bleeding due to knife cuts: Wash fresh guava leaves, crush and apply.
Contraindications: People with constipation, diarrhea, dysentery with bloating and indigestion should not use.
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